Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another End

Last day of 2006.

A little hard to believe. But I guess the last day of the year always points out how time passes. Very quickly in my case.

As you may know this year has been quite different to my previous ones. First of all, I had a career related job for most of the year. Secondly I was in a relationship for all of the year. Thirdly, well... there is no third.

Another big recent change has been with this blog. And considering this has been a significant part of my life for the last four (can you believe it?!) years, this change has been a bit of shock.

But maybe I'm dramatising, as usual. Maybe I thought that change would be a shock when in reality, I haven't been really affected. It actually gave me a reason to stop blabbing about every personal thing to the world (well, a tiny part of it that comes here).

I hope next year brings a different sort of change. The type that I've been discussing for the last few days which left me emotionally exhausted. I wish things would be simpler. You know, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after.

Unfortunately the boy can make things so much more complicated than that, leaving the girl feeling very confused.

If only the girl was a simpler sort of person and didn't mind feeling confused, or even better not feel confused at all and just go with the flow. Too bad that 'going with the flow' is not part of the girl's nature. The girl wants to know what, when and how, and not in a year or even a month, she wants to know right now.

Oh and also because the girl is even more complicated than that, it's not enough for her that the boy agrees to do what she wants to make her happy. She wants the boy to want to do it for himself. She doesn't want the guilt of forcing the boy to do anything and she definitely doesn't want any future resentment from the boy.

Hence, the whole situation is complicated.

And to make it better, this is all happening just before New Year's Eve, creating a tense and heavy atmosphere when it should be relaxed and light.

Hopefully the boy and girl can enjoy the night (in which they will barely see each other) and greet the new year with certaintly and united excitement for the future.

I hope you all have a wonderful night and that next year is a successful one for you. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Daytime TV Escapism

I watched 7th Heaven today and felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I can't believe that show is still on. The kids have grown so much!

Here is how I remembered the youngest daughter:

Here is what she looks like now:

Firstly, she looks like she's adopted and secondly, that show is quite addictive. Right now the middle boy is about to get married, and the middle girl already has a kid.

All of them get married young. They haven't even finished college.

Like April would say, this type of TV show is escapism. It's almost like leaving your life and being invisible in someone else's large family.

In TV shows like that, everything seems to be going on in very small confines, creating a geographical intimacy, something that's quite difficult to recreate in real life.

It's fun to imagine being part of that family. Who would I be? Another sister or someone who happens to live there by other circumstances? I always imagined myself to be Lucy - the middle over-emotional but fiery child.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next instalment in that family's saga.

Being home is proving to be great, something I haven't had in a while. Unfortunately time is flying fast and before I know it, I'll have to be at work again.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Little Annoyed

I'm a little annoyed Christine tried to change my New Year's Eve plans after I spent time organising it.

I'm a little annoyed Claudia and Mike would rather go to another party on New Year's Eve.

I'm a little annoyed I have to go buy the tickets for New Year's Eve by myself.

I'm a little annoyed I have to rush to meet Amelia at a specific time. (Although I'm very happy she's coming.)

There are many other things I feel a little annoyed about.

But even being in my 'a little annoyed' mood, I can't help but feel very lucky because I have what matters most.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Single Girls and Me

Last night I went out with April, her friend Ella and Ella's friend Liz (also Nadine's friend). Who would've thought I would know Ella through April and through Nadine (two completely different people). But anyway...

Ella and Liz were very entertaining, especially Liz because I didn't think she had one bit of self-consciousness and said things I only wished someone would say.

We went for dinner in a little square with lots of restaurants. Since we were still early, there were waiters standing outside trying to get us to come into their restaurant. And they were all very flirty.

When we were reading one menu, a young Italian guy came out and started chatting us up so we'd go in. Unlike April and I who would just smile and keep looking at the menu, Ella and Liz were getting quite friendly.

They asked if there was anything happening in the area on Christmas and he said he'll be working all through the night and he would feel a lot better if we came because he "would love to serve" us.

We ended up moving to the next restaurant where we were served by a strange Asian lady who said, "If you're not ready, I will come back in five minutes because that's my job". A few minutes later she came back and said, "Five minutes are up, what will you order?"

When it came to picking something, Ella was even worse than me. I'm usually the one who's indecisive, but she took ages.

As we were eating dinner (which was yummy), the same lady came up and started saying how she had to work for Christmas. Liz told her about a "cute waiter next door" who will also be working so maybe they could have a "pash" after work.

April and I were a little surprised hearing Liz suggest this to a stranger.

Then the waitress said, "I have to work past midnight, then my husband's going to pick me up at 3am, but I'll have some time to go over for a pash before then."

Later, the same waitress came to our table and said, "I'm 23 years old and I'm married. Girls, don't get married! I come home from work at 12am and have to do the cooking and washing for my husband. It's horrible! I don't even remember last time I've been to a club". Ella kindly said, "Well, you can say good-bye to that now!" Even though we all laughed, I felt pretty bad for the lady.

The waitress wasn't our only entertainment during dinner. Liz was going on about her new boyfriend. How she didn't like the language he spoke (POBian) and she told him never to say anything to her in it (which would really offend me if David said the same). She also said she hated his POBian friends because they were too "POBian". She also told him they had to talk to each other every day! I found this a bit stalkerish considering they only met a month ago (on a blind date).

Listening to her made me realise that I'm a pretty good girlfriend. I was never clingy, I never made David do anything, I never tried to change him (too much) and I was always interested in his background and culture. I mean wouldn't you want to find out more about the person you're dating?

But like I said, Liz is a little strange.

What I really enjoyed though was when they said, "Sky, you're the one with the boyfriend, give us your advice!"

Even though I liked the request, I don't really like to give out advice, in case I give the wrong one. I just go with my usual "everyone's different".

After dinner, we walked past another restaurant where one of Ella's family friends was having dinner with a group of friends.. And Liz waved at him. I didn't notice this so I asked, "When we go back, can you show me who he was?" and Ella was like, "Please don't wave again!" but of course Liz smiled flirtily and waved at him again. The guy probably thought she was into him. If only he knew she was doing it just for fun.

We went to a bar. We were sitting in a booth, chatting. I loved that Liz and Ella were so open with their private lives. I love listening to those sort of stories and my friends are usually quite closed off about that stuff.

Liz started to get annoying with her, "Sky, why hasn't he called me yet! It's been 2 days!" and checking her phone every two minutes. Her boyfriend was on a holiday with his friends so I didn't want to say, "Maybe he met some hot girl and have forgotten about you." Instead I said, "If it'll make you feel better just message him with a casual 'how's it going, hope you are having fun'". And she whined, "But why can't he call? Sky, you have a boyfriend, tell me!"

Since I wasn't psychic, I told her I didn't know. He could've been busy, he could've been waiting for her to call, who knows. There could've been a hundred reasons so rather than worrying about it, I told her to try and distract herself.

The distraction came in the form of a guy who apparently went out with their friends a few years ago. She called him over and told him this. This lead to the guy trying to guess who this girl was. He went out with a lot of girls because he kept guessing wrong and couldn't remember this person. But he did manage to ask if Ella had a boyfriend and if he could have her number.

Ella said no because firstly she didn't want to go out with someone who went out with her friend and secondly he was too immature. I could tell Ella really wanted a boyfriend because she was trying to explain (more to herself than us) why this guy was wrong for her. We didn't need convincing, he seemed like a player.

She was even friendly to another guy who just invited himself to sit with us. He was drunk but he asked Ella for coffee. She said no. Unfortunately since April and I were sitting on the other side of the table, we couldn't hear a word that was exchanged between the guy, Ella and Liz. All we could see was him taking over her personal space.

If I were Ella, I'd just ignore him but she actually kept talking to him and smiling. Seeing the way she was acting made me realise that no wonder all guys were going for her. Other than the fact that she's the type of girl most males think is hot, she was just so receptive and always smiling.

While the second guy was with us, the first one kept walking past us and staring. April and I decided he was jealous and wondering why he's been replaced.

If the second guy wasn't enough, we saw Ella's family friend (who we saw earlier) in the same bar. Liz didn't hesitate to wave at him again. A little while later, he came over too. He was a bit shy and didn't know what to say after the 'How's everyone?" greeting. The first guy was still pacing back and forth in front of our table, looking at the new guy. April and I found it really amusing.

Liz wanted to dance but no one else did. I would've if there was anyone else on the dance floor. I felt pretty bad about it because I knew what it was like to want to dance when no one else wanted to join you. I think she sensed my hesitation and tried to drag me because she knew April and Ella were lost causes. Since I didn't budge, we decided to go home.

In the car, after we dropped off Liz, Ella commented how even though there were a few guys, there were no good ones. Then she asked how David and I met. I told her the story and got the same reaction I always get, "That's fate". Then she said to April, "I guess we just have to wait for it to happen and nothing we can do now". I told her that you have to be open to opportunities, that's all you can really do.

It was an odd feeling being with these single girls (who reminded me so much of old myself - the frustration, the helplessness to do anything to control the situation) and there I was with a boyfriend. Just gave me such a peaceful feeling.

Ella asked if David had any single friends. So now I have two people to set up. April's already going to be set up with someone from David's work. Now I have to find someone for Ella. The good thing with her is that I'm guaranteed that whoever I set her up with will like her. She's impossible not to like. Now I just need to find the guy.

I told April that we have to invite Ella and Liz with us all the time because they just provide so much entertainment.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Shopping with Boyfriend

Why you should never go clothes shopping with your boyfriend:
You will end up buying more than necessary because he will think everything looks great on you.

It's silly asking boyfriends for advice about that. I mean, he's your boyfriend! Of course he'll think you look great in everything.

Reflecting on 2006

This is becoming my annual blog tradition so here it is.

1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
Belly dancing, samba

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Didn't make any.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
None, but I explored some more of my state.

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A husband and a permanent job.

7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
David and my 1 year anniversary. We had the most incredible time. Ahh...

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Proving myself at work leading to an extension of my contract. (I hope I don't jinx this and not get it extended again. A little scared.)

9. What was your biggest failure?
None I can think of!

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I slammed my finger in the window and it still hurts. Also some teeth problems (my fault, ate too much chocolate)

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My new lovely red shoes and the dress I still haven't had a chance to wear.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
David's and April's and Claudia's.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
No one actually.

14. Where did most of your money go?

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing David and extension of my contract at work

16. What songs will always remind you of 2006?
Heaven by Bryan Adams

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier
ii. thinner or fatter? fatter (driving to work does that to you)
iii. richer or poorer? richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Eat unhealthy food

20. What are you glad you did more of in 2006?

21. How will you be spending Christmas?
Probably with my parents, grandparents and David

22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Yes, all the time.

23. What was your favorite TV program?
The POBian show, How I Met Your Mother and Desperate Housewives

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

25. What was the best book you read?
The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez. Just so satisfyingly enjoyable.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Ricky Martin (no laughing! I'm in love with his Spanish songs)

27. What did you want and get?
A job in my profession

28. What did you want and not get?
An engagement/wedding

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
None. I'm very disappointed with the current state of cinema.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 22 and I spent a wonderful evening with my closest friends at a POBian restaurant.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
An engagement/wedding

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Various - from sporty to fun to chic and anything in between

33. What kept you sane?
Nothing and no one. I was insanely in love and could not be snapped out of it.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
No one

35. What political issue stirred you the most?

36. Who did you miss?

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Some women from work

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006
Enjoy the present because soon it will become the past.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven

40. What will you be doing to ring in 2007?
In the city with my friends and going to visit David at work at midnight.

Another year over...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Like Being Naked in a Dream

You are invited to a safari themed party. You are told everyone will dress up in safari suits and jungle themed clothes. Even though you don't find the theme very flattering, you go along and wear something you're not too comfortable with.

Then you arrive to find everyone dressed up in formal wear.

(Typical Bridget Jones moment.)

Do you:
a) enjoy yourself anyway because a confident smile is your best asset
b) turn around and go home
c) feel extremely uncomfortable, get in a bad mood, and don't talk to anyone

I always imagined myself to do 'a'. It's not important what you wear, it's all about the confidence. However, no matter how logical my mind was, I wanted to do 'b' but then settled on 'c'.

Not only was I upset that I was denied the rare chance of getting dressed up but I felt like everyone was thinking how strangely I was dressed (probably all in my mind). In the end, they probably thought I was some anti-social recluse not joining in even one conversation.

Ended up leaving soon after the dessert. Felt horrible and guilty for being so ridiculous and ruining what could've been a fun night. And the worst was that it wasn't only my night that was affected. That's what made me feel even more terrible.

I wanted to snap out of my vain state but I just couldn't. I just wanted to be curled up in my bed and pretend the whole night was a bad dream.

I learnt that I wasn't as strong as I thought and didn't have the confidence and will-power to make the best of a less than desirable situation. Realising that made me feel even worse and just made me want to retrieve within myself even more.

Fortunately, I was understood and got sympathy, which I didn't really deserve. When someone tries to put the fault onto themselves and make you feel better by being just so damn understanding, it makes you feel even guiltier, but it also lifts the dark cloud you feel you're under and makes you feel more sane.

Just glad the whole thing is over.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

New Year

My sorrow disappeared, having left a shadow for memory
And quietly, for ever saying goodbye, day left
The whole world is waiting for a miracle, in windows of large houses
Snowed-in city will wait for its dreams

New Year, forgotten garden in the snow
I can't anymore live without you, as before
At New Year's Eve, dreams come true
Melody and you - saviour and hope

Firewood will burn in the fireplace, only ashes will be left
And you, from now on, don't hold malice for me
You'll be daydreaming of summer, your hand warming a glass
We're the only ones in the universe, I waited for you

New Year, forgotten garden in the snow
I can't live without you anymore, as before
At New Year's Eve, dreams come true
Melody and you - saviour and hope

Listening to POBian holiday songs makes me remember... the magic, childhood, chocolates in snowman shaped boxes, snow, sliding down iced hills on cardboard...

I talked to my grandma who lives there and she said it's beautiful there now. Coloured lights everywhere. But the weather is really warm for this time of year. The temperature is in positive numbers but no sun.

And here we are, cold in Australian summer.

Had a Christmas dinner with the girls last night. Ellen, Valerie and Beth were there too. Since the reunion Beth was interested in meeting up with us again. The only person missing was Amelia.

I had such a great time! April, Valerie, Beth and I couldn't stop laughing. I think Claud wanted to join in 'cause she kept looking at us but she was sitting a little too far away from us so she was stuck with Ellen and Christine.

April was in a suit, after work. I wasn't used to seeing her so business-like. I wasn't the only one because the others commented about it too. April, the lawyer, I can't quite believe it. She's loving it so I'm very happy for her.

Christine proved her tongue. She said to April, "I can't not tell you but your jacket is way too big for you. I'm sorry, but it is".

Typical. April didn't reply. It reminded me of a few years ago when Christine told April her beloved white cardigan was a grandma looking jumper and that she should get rid of it. Surprisingly, April never wore it again.

April is a very skinny person so all clothes look too big for her so it's not nice to point it out. But as always, whatever is on Christine's mind will come out of her mouth.

Beth was really funny. I haven't seen her in so long, I've forgotten how entertaining she is. She reminded me a bit of Amelia with her 'out-there' comments, but with Beth, they were said in the most innocent way.

After dinner, April and Valerie went to another party so Beth and Claudia walked me to the station. Made me once again appreciate my school friends. My uni ones would've just left me in the middle of nowhere and left, whereas Claud and Beth even offered to walk me to the actual platform. That was obviously not necessary. They told me to be careful.

While the three of us were walking, Claudia (out of all people!) started to tell me how her parents won't let her go on a holiday with Mike and they won't even let her sleepover at his house because they only have one thing on their mind. Beth pointed out that parents don't understand that their kids will find ways to do whatever they want anyway.

Then Claudia asked if David and I got one bed or if we got different rooms when we went on holidays. I tell my friends pretty much everything but whether I share a bed with my boyfriend is something that will always be private and nobody's business. I told her that getting two rooms is way too expensive and ridiculous. I also told her to tell her parents she and Mike can get two beds in a room if they want to travel.

Anyway, Mike's moving out any day now into his new place so I don't think Claudia's parents will be able to stop her from doing anything.

April and I are predicting that her moving in with him is only a matter of time.

Can't believe it's the end of the year already. I find that time seems to be flying lately. I mean, it's Christmas in a week!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

2006: Line by Line

The object? Go back to your very first post of each month during 2006... copy the first sentence of each post you made and post that in a new thread in your blog, talking about your year in review. You'd be amazed to see what you wrote back then.

Happy New Year everyone!

What's more of an incentive to want a job other than money?

Job searching is so daunting for me.

Yesterday I felt summer ending.

- let her have her way (if it's not too crazy)

Since yesterday, I'm at my temp job full-time.

I saw something today that I just had to share with you.

I just realised that for a long time now, I've been blogging to regular readers rather than any new ones and since most of the old ones left a few months after I started going out with David, there's only about 5 people who read my blog.

The long weekend is almost over and even though I'm getting the "end of long-weekend blues", I know there'll be plenty more in the future.

Some person from David's high school has a blog where he writes about people in his grade.

Things change.

Lesson learnt: write more exciting first sentences.

Loss of Selfish Independence

Things change. I can no longer write what I want. This is no longer just me with only my own boundaries. This is now affected.

And I understand. I've even stopped caring too much. Can't have everything. Ever. Too many contradictions, too many double standards. Life is never squeaky clean. And I've accepted it. It makes sense that way.

I guess it's about priorities. What's more important to you? You have to pick. When you pick what makes you happiest, you realise the other thing must not be so important. This is the other thing.

Doesn't mean it's over. I can comprimise.

It's just going to be different now. That's all.

You can ask questions, you can guess, you can speculate but you won't get any answers about this from me.