The germs that have been flying around the office and my house have gotten to me too. Couldn't avoid getting a cold. It started Thursday night. First it was just a bit of a sore throat. I told David it wouldn't last long. I think I was trying to delude myself, more than anyone else. He said, "First it's a sore throat, then you lose your voice, then you have a blocked nose, then you get a runny nose. And then it'll be over." Eh... thanks for that, I have so much to look forward to now.
I told him I'd be fine driving to his house on Friday night (i.e. yesterday). Friday night came and I felt so sick, I called to tell him I just couldn't. Felt really guilty 'cause I knew he's been really looking forward to meeting up. I think if it was nicer weather, I might've tried to get to his house but the storms that I drove through from work (taking me double the time to get home since it was impossible to see with all that water splashing into the windows) only made me feel really sleepy.
I called to tell him. He said he expected that and would come to my house instead. I told him I was pretty sick and I didn't want him to catch it. He said he didn't care, he just really wanted to see me. I told him to be careful driving (since the route between our houses was pretty bad, especially in this weather). He said that was even more of a reason for him to come rather than me because he didn't want me driving in dangerous conditions. I told him I didn't want him to either. He said he'll be careful.
In less than an hour he was at my house. I must've looked a real mess because I was just in my home clothes and my nose was all red, my eyes watery. He said, "Someone left something at your door". I looked down to see a package. Then I realised it was from him. It was a present for our anniversary.
To be honest, last Saturday, I was a bit disappointed he didn't get me anything. When I gave him his present, I realised he didn't expect it. He thought we were celebrating by going out for dinner and then making use of the free hotel room and buffet breakfast. I wasn't too offended. He does plenty of nice things for me all year round. But I guess he felt guilty.
He got me a funky looking necklace. He said when he saw it, he liked it straight away. I couldn't help but smile inside that my boyfriend had a taste in jewellery. He also gave me my favourite dark chocolate and a card. What I loved most was what he wrote inside. It was so poetically and romantically cheesy, I couldn't stop laughing. He added, "I didn't copy it from anywhere. That's how I feel". There is no way he really feels like that about me. Come on, honestly, I'm his 'inspiration'? No way. I wanted to ask him to elaborate on what he wrote (with examples to illustrate his points) but I think that would've been a little rude and unnecessary.
Amidst all my laughing while reading it and all the "Awww....."s, he said, "You didn't think I had a poetic side, did you?" I told him I always knew he was very romantic. Being me, I had to add, "And not one mistake. I'm touched!" I didn't expect him to reply, "I wrote it on a piece of paper first". He wrote a draft?! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think that's one of the sweetest things he's ever done.
After several more readings, I noticed he did have mistakes but I didn't tell him. Didn't want to hurt him when he put in so much effort.
I remember when I used to think he wasn't smart because he couldn't write properly but now I think he's just more mathematically/science inclined. A lot more. I mean we have these logical puzzle toys that no one can ever solve. Yet when he got his hands on it, he figured it out in minutes!!! I remember telling him, "Forget it, no one ever solves that one". A minute later, he did it. Unlike everyone else who just plays around with the puzzle toy, hoping something would happen, he actually studied it to see how it was made. Then in a few simple moves solved it.

After that I was like, who cares about his English, he's a mathematical/engineering genius.
We watched
Prison Break. Very suspenseful. At the end, David got so excited, he just hugged me suddenly and said, almost bouncing on the couch, "Oh Sky!!! I can't wait till next week!" And he says
I'm a kid!
By the end, I could barely breathe (because my nose was so blocked). He said that if I felt the same way on Saturday night, I shouldn't go to Claudia's party. I told him I was going no matter what. I mean, April said she might not come because she was sick, so how would Claudia feel if half the people don't turn up? I would be very disappointed if I was in her shoes.
David was pretty sweet yesterday. Not that he made me tea or chicken soup or any of that stuff but he did come over and amuse me for a few hours. And sort of looked after me in his own way. I was trying not to come too close but he was like, "Why are you so far away?"
Times like these make me really happy to have a boyfriend. Someone to love me when I'm at my worst.