Friday, November 02, 2007

The Lost Key

At work I was given a key to my office (shared by three other people). As this office is very easy for outsiders to come into, we have to lock it every time no one is in the room. Therefore I have to carry this key with me at all times.

Every time I go to the bathroom I always worry that I will forget it there. Every time I go to the kitchen to heat up my lunch, I'm paranoid I will lose the key. (I don't always have pockets so mostly it's in my hand).

Yesterday, it happened. I lost it. I realised this at lunch time when I was going to go to the kitchen. I knew the only place I've been to that morning was the bathroom so I ran there. The key was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic. Someone must've taken it. Unless I took it back to the office and put it down somewhere and someone picked it up.

I wasn't actually too worried about it because I thought I would just make a copy of my colleague's key. Unfortunately it wasn't that simple. Since it was a security key and a 'company asset', I had to fill out a form, explaining the circumstances. I avoided writing that I could've left it in he bathroom.

I'm hoping I can sort this out without my manager finding out as today was her first day back from holidays (first time I saw her since the interview as she left before I started). What a great first impression that would make.

When I recounted David my story, hoping for sympathy, he said, "You should be more careful with things like that". I was so mad. When he lost the phone, I said, "These things happen". After brewing it till late, I called and told him how that wasn't a nice thing to say. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, these things happen," which made me feel better.

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