I feel better now. Just came back from our Christmas party. Apart from Christine really getting on my nerves (April and I are getting tired of her rudeness), it was really nice.
After work yesterday, I went to April's house where Christine was already waiting for me. She drove April and me to Claudia's house.
Claud's dog is the cutest ever. It's one big ball of fluff. I forgot the breed but it's like a collie, only small and black and white. Last time I've seen him, he was a puppy so his fur wasn't as long as it is now. April was scared of him which was funny 'cause dogs can sense that. He was running around chasing her. It was the funniest scene.
I'd love to have a dog but since I've never had one, I wouldn't know how to take care of it properly. Not that my parents would let me have one anyway. When I was little, I used to want one but now I can see that having a pet requires a lot of time that no one in my family has. I guess I'll have to enjoy other people's pets.
Yesterday I realised that when I see dogs (or babies), I become so embarrassing and start talking in that annoying voice that people talk to dogs (and babies). I didn't know I had it in me to be like that but I couldn't help it.
We played cards. I was teaching the others how to play a really popular POBian game which actually requires a bit of thinking (because it's very different to popular Australian/American card games) and Christine kept saying how stupid the game was just because she didn't get it. That annoyed me more than I thought it would. Just because she didn't get it, didn't mean it was stupid. The others didn't really like it either (because they weren't used to that style of game) but at least they were polite enough to try and enjoy it.
That whole event made me think how people are so unwilling to try out new things. My Mum was just telling me the other day how difficult it is for middle-aged people to immigrate to another country because they are so used to their own one which was why she admired Nadine's parents to do that, even though she can't stand their personalities. I guess it all relates to people's unwillingness to change.
I read/saw somewhere that it's in people's instincts not to like change so it has a biological reason. But people have evolved so much that it would be nice if they were more open to it. Change is so important to the existence of life and the world.
Anyway, this is starting to sound like a bad English essay, especially that my year 11 topic was "Change".
I also ended up wrapping Claudia's Christmas presents from her parents. I thought that was a bit strange to wrap your own present from your family. Then it took all four of us to wrap Emma's present. That was fun.
After dinner we lounged around talking about songs that Claudia was reading from an ad in a TV guide for mobile phone rings. I love how I can talk with my friends about the most unimportant things. Christine sang all the ones that we forgot the tunes of. Although I still don't think she should embarrass herself by trying out for the next Australian Idol, she can definitely sing in tune.
Today in the morning, I strangely woke up early, although I went to sleep about 2am in the morning. This was probably 'cause my body is used to waking up early for work. After we managed to wake up Christine, we went to meet Amelia and Emma for our Christmas party. Saturday morning from 9:30 to 12:30 was the only time when all of us were free.
We went to have breakfast in some small empty Italian restaurant. The owner was obviously desperate for customers because as soon as we stopped to read the menu he came out and too enthusiastically invited us in to look at more menus:
"Girls! Let me cook you breakfast!"
I made April, Emma and Claudia wait outside because I don't particularly like places like that but then Christine waved for us to come in. I was annoyed enough at her as it was and wasn't too happy about her just making us go in but we didn't have much time so we decided to eat there.
The waiter/owner wouldn't shut up and kept asking Emma why she was so sad, just because she only ordered a drink. Personally, I can't stand when people think I'm sad when I'm not so I decided that I didn't like the guy. He also wouldn't shut up and was fully taking up our time with his pointless conversation.
"Are you uni students?! Because we have a special student menu! Here you go, have a look. But's it's actually $6.50, not $5 like it says on the brochure. And no, you can't get it today, you can only get it on weekdays! Oh, I see you are having a Christmas party! This is SO nice! Are you international students and have no family here? That's so nice that you're getting together for the special day! That is just SO nice!"
Hello, it's not Christmas today! Waiters just shouldn't be like that. Their job is to serve our food and leave us to talk. I think there was even an article about that in the Sunday paper a few weeks ago.
He also started asking me if I wanted everything that was included in the the menu item that I chose. What a stupid question. Of course I wanted everything that I was paying for. Amelia and Christine ordered the same thing but didn't get everything because I don't think they realised that when he asked them if they wanted bacon or fries, you could have both. That breakfast was the most fattening one I had in ages. It reminded me of a typical American one which I always wanted to have: eggs, toast, bacon, fries (well, he only put 2 on my plate), lettuce and sausages.
Emma didn't eat anything, as usual. I'm getting very worried. The first time I noticed I didn't say anything but yesterday I made it known to her that I noticed. This is reminding me of Nadine and her food problems. That's very scary. Emma is skinny enough as it is. I don't know what to do.
We exchanged presents. My mind went blank about the present that we all wrapped up yesterday and accidentally gave it to Amelia when it was for Emma. I felt really bad. I got a voucher from April, Emma and Amelia (for a bag which I need to pick myself) and a puzzle thing and another unwrapped one (which I'm sure is a USA travel guide) from Christine and Claudia.
After the meal we went to the markets but April, Emma and I soon went to a shopping centre to wait for the others. We are not very into wandering around stalls looking at things we won't buy. We sat in a food court and talked (mainly about me going to America).
We'll be probably having a New Year's Eve party at my house again. I don't mind. And most importantly my parents don't mind either.