Saturday, April 17, 2004

A Memorable Day

I went to see Maroon 5 this week which was a very memorable experience (for not only the right reasons). It was quite thought provoking. It made me wonder if:

1. There is there a law that every rock band has to say ‘shit’ or ‘fuck’ at least 4 times during their every performance.
2. If the guitarist of the supporting band will remember this concert by the girl in the front who almost fainted right in front of his eyes (i.e. me).
3. If everyone standing around me will remember the concert by me almost fainting.
4. If everyone not around me will remember the concert by how the guitarist got distracted halfway through a song to inquire if I was ok.
5. If I will actually remember the concert as something other than the time I nearly fainted (i.e. I didn’t actually fall to the floor ‘cause I was caught by the girl behind me) and attracted so much attention from strangers, including band players.

The funny thing was that I didn’t even feel that embarrassed at the time, probably ‘cause I wasn’t conscious. It was afterwards that it hit me what a spectacle I made out of myself. After I got to the bathroom and washed my face and felt completely fine, strange people were coming up to me and asking if I was ok.

I also felt bad that Lauren’s friend who came with me to the bathroom didn’t go back to the front (where we got such good spots) just to be there with me if it happened again (which it didn’t). We ended up standing near the exit doors where we had pretty good views of Maroon 5, standing around the supporting bands’ members who were first blocking our views by making out with their girlfriends, right in front of our faces which really annoyed me. If they didn’t want to watch one of the greatest bands, they didn’t have to prevent us from watching one of the greatest bands.

Afterwards, when I caught the bus home, a girl from one of my classes was there with her boyfriend, also making out. If there’s one thing I hate it’s seeing people making out in public, especially if I know them and have to talk to them later.

So anyway, I got home, went to sleep and the next morning freaked out my parents by telling them about my losing of consciousness the night before. I know (and they know) that it was because of my horrible restrictive diet that I have to be on for another 3 weeks. And the annoying thing is that my allergies are supposed to improve after the 2nd week but they still haven’t which might mean that they are not from natural food chemicals but from something else.

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