Monday, June 04, 2007

Back to the Girls

I never realised how much I missed hanging out with the girls until I was actually with them, laughing my head off.

It was so long since all five of us (April, Christine, Claudia, Amelia and I) went out together. Ok, so Evan was there but he has long been our shadow (but as April pointed out he came out of his shell, after 8 years of knowing us). Mike came as well but he was pretty quiet. That guy gets offended too easily and needs to learn to come up with some good replies. David, unfortunately wasn't there. His void was especially noticed when the girls wouldn't enjoy some classic foreign songs played by a live band. They're a bit immature when it comes to music taste and only like the anglo-speaking popular stuff.

Amelia met us after not getting through the interview process for a flight attendant. It was her 2nd try. She said their marked height wasn't accurate as she measured herself at home and satisfied their required criteria.

We all thought it'd be cool if Amelia got to be a flight attendant. She definitely looked the part.

Christine got into a bit of an altercation with some women. Here's what happened. After we left the cafe, we saw a drugged out looking guy on the ground. We proceeded to discuss what we wanted to do next when two ladies walked by and also saw the guy. They went into the cafe to tell someone to call an ambulance. When they came out, one woman said, "Watch him until the ambulance gets here."

April and I were like, "Why should we watch him?!" but then Christine yelled, "We're not watching him, bitch. We are just discussing where to go next so don't make any fucking assumptions." Then it dawned on April and I that the woman said her comment sarcastically because she thought we were standing there watching this guy. Christine didn't stop there, she kept yelling at this woman who yelled back.

The rest of us looked at the ground and pretended to be invisible. Even Evan told Christine to calm down.

There's a never a dull moment when Christine's around.

On the train back, I kept talking about buying property to April but she wasn't saying anything so I changed the subject to something that she could relate to. It's hard to believe but I feel a lot more grown-up now that I'm getting married.

Came home later than expected and David came over which was nice as always, even thought I felt weird. If I'm honest with myself, I felt a little annoyed/sad that David wouldn't have been able to join in on our jokes if he was there. Started thinking things that were probably not appropriate but quite scary. I'm even scared to write them in case they are significant.

Sometimes I get in that sort of state of mind where I start questioning everything and not having any concrete answers can be quite worrying.

Anyway, as always, I completely changed my track of thought.

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