Friday, June 29, 2007

Fashion on the Other Side of the World

One thing I noticed in POB that I never noticed before was that 80% of young women were tall, skinny, blonde and beautiful. I also noticed that 99% of POBian men werenothing to brag about.

Fashion is a huge thing over there so everybody was really dressed up. What I liked about it was that it wasn't like our baggy trend (e.g. over-sized tops over leggings). Even though they had the leggings trend too, they wore them with nicely-fitted short dresses which for the first time ever made me want to buy a pair.

Although majority of women wore 4 inch heels, no matter where they were going (even the airport), I saw a lot of really comfortable heel shoes which looked really stylish. However, for $300 per pair I had to accept to live without them.

Even jeans were different there. Every pair looked unique. Like the rest of the clothes, they had lots of extra detail that was subtle but looked really good.

It was so much fun just walking around because it felt like being at a fashion show. I was really tempted to get some stuff but then I realised that people here wouldn't understand.

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