Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Rabbit in the Hat

You know that girl with a giggle behind her eyes? Well, that's me at the moment because I'm sharing a joke with myself which I find very funny.

Playing with other people's minds can cause me great amusement, especially when these people think they're very smart and don't have the slightest idea how they are the topic of my fun.

Now, in a certain light this may seem cruel but let me assure you no one has been hurt in my game of 'misleading'.

The funny thing is that I haven't even lied, and it's amazing how people pick up things that stand out the most and don't see anything in between. I guess that's the psychology behind magic tricks.

I have to go and wash my hair now.


Amie said...

speaking of articles/blogs in the SMH, have you ever read the one by the other Sam (sam in the city)? I like what she writes about, a few of her blog have really got me thinking... and many more have made me laugh. Her latest one is about moving in with your boyfriend... What do you think of what she has to say, what the experts have to say and the comments. I've heard about the stats showing that living together prior to marriage can result in no marriage going ahead... but I'm not sure how I feel about it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gosh!! That's why I couldn't get married.

Sky said...


That was a very interesting article. I feel very strongly about not moving in before marriage.

I might write more on the topic later.