Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Who's the Prettiest One of All?

Read an article today that POBian women are considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world (along with other countries in that region). I almost laughed. That article received many comments which showed that beauty is in the eye if the beholder.

Some men had a thing for Asian women, others liked Latin American ones. One guy said that even though he found Slavic and Scandinavian women hot, his Aussie girlfriend had the best sense of humour (i.e. she could open a beer bottle with her teeth - just hilarious).

One guy said that he liked POBian women because of their "big deep arctic" eyes and because "not only do they have hot bodies, they also, like, read".

Since I'm very likely going to go to POB in 6 months, I'll be sure to check out all the 'hot women' 'cause last time I've been there, I couldn't see them.

But yes, there are some very good looking POBian women, too bad there aren't any similiar POBian men. Such a rare thing to see a 'hot' POBian male. Not that I'm looking or anything. (And anyway, after David, I don't find Caucasian men attractive anymore.)

Actually I have a little secret that I'll share with you. Last night I dreamt that I met a very hot POBian guy who was deeply intelligent and just so deliciously witty I was ready to leave David. Now I feel a little guilty that my subconscience was capable of that.

I guess I have to face reality that that guy in my dreams doesn't exist and that even though David is not 'perfect', who freaking is? Right?

As I was checking my blog stats, I noticed someone from POB found my website and looked through it. Don't know why but I got a little excited. Doubt they realised I was from there too.

My work life has been so lifeless that I was planning on joining a theatre group. I emailed several about membership and they all have annual fees. I don't want to pay $40 for something I'm not even sure I'd like. I'm not interested in painting sets or acting and it didn't look like they give you opportunities to assist with production/casting/directing. I was hoping I could just go and have a look first but I don't think that's a possibility. I guess me being part of theatre life was not meant to be.

Wish things would come easier. Like opportunities just presenting themselves to me.

Like in POB, I was just asked if I wanted to participate in musicals. I didn't have to go and find them. Oh well.

I'm going to go and immerse myself in my POBian show. Need to switch off reality for a little while.


toey said...

Wow Sky, I just found out your nationality!

Amie said...


check it out! I think I might know what nationality sky is too ;)

Sky said...

Good work, Sherlock Holmes ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get where you are from :)

Unknown said...

Interesting! I'm half Lithuanian, not that far away.