Tuesday, October 07, 2003

April vs Nadine

I forgot to mentions that April and I made up after our 'almost fight'. We talked about it and agreed to be honest from now on, so if she doesn't want to do something she'll tell me straight away, instead of cancelling at the last moment and that I'll let her know if I'm annoyed at her for whatever reason. She also said that since we were being honest, she said that she was upset at me when I decided not to have a double birthday party at the last minute. I just knew it!

Anyway we're both over it since we discussed it. That's the good thing about April. She likes to have things in the open, rather than keeping things to yourself and then having it piled up until one day it all bursts. With Nadine, she didn't really notice when I got annoyed at her and so I just end up being bitter towards her. Haven't spoken to her for ages. It's wierd that I don't even miss talking to her.

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