Thursday, October 23, 2003

The Immature Gossiping Brat That I Have To Work With

Jeremy, the annoying gossiping 18 year old from work is so irritating to work with! And he works almost every day! (I asked.) He told me that I'm very defensive and you know what I said?!! I said, "No I'm not!". How stupid could I get! I should've added, "Just kidding" but as the nature of all good comebacks, I think of them too late.

He kept asking me to tell him a joke and I think just telling a joke for no reason is never that funny. He told me his (which I missed the beginning of but since I've heard of it before, I knew what it was about) and it wasn't funny at all. And after I told him that timing is really important for something to be funny, he said that delivery is more important which is ironic, cos his delivery wasn't good, and wasn't helped by a childish joke.

He also asked me what music I liked and when I said rock, he said, "But you're too quiet for a rock chick." What the hell?! Who said you have to be loud to like rock?

Anyway, he's such an immature little brat.

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