Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another End

Last day of 2006.

A little hard to believe. But I guess the last day of the year always points out how time passes. Very quickly in my case.

As you may know this year has been quite different to my previous ones. First of all, I had a career related job for most of the year. Secondly I was in a relationship for all of the year. Thirdly, well... there is no third.

Another big recent change has been with this blog. And considering this has been a significant part of my life for the last four (can you believe it?!) years, this change has been a bit of shock.

But maybe I'm dramatising, as usual. Maybe I thought that change would be a shock when in reality, I haven't been really affected. It actually gave me a reason to stop blabbing about every personal thing to the world (well, a tiny part of it that comes here).

I hope next year brings a different sort of change. The type that I've been discussing for the last few days which left me emotionally exhausted. I wish things would be simpler. You know, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after.

Unfortunately the boy can make things so much more complicated than that, leaving the girl feeling very confused.

If only the girl was a simpler sort of person and didn't mind feeling confused, or even better not feel confused at all and just go with the flow. Too bad that 'going with the flow' is not part of the girl's nature. The girl wants to know what, when and how, and not in a year or even a month, she wants to know right now.

Oh and also because the girl is even more complicated than that, it's not enough for her that the boy agrees to do what she wants to make her happy. She wants the boy to want to do it for himself. She doesn't want the guilt of forcing the boy to do anything and she definitely doesn't want any future resentment from the boy.

Hence, the whole situation is complicated.

And to make it better, this is all happening just before New Year's Eve, creating a tense and heavy atmosphere when it should be relaxed and light.

Hopefully the boy and girl can enjoy the night (in which they will barely see each other) and greet the new year with certaintly and united excitement for the future.

I hope you all have a wonderful night and that next year is a successful one for you. Thanks for reading.

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