Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What's On David's Mind

David and I were involved in a mini car accident on the weekend. A P plater ran into the back of my car at a traffic light. I was actually quite happy because he didn't cause much damage but since I backed into a little pole a while back, the guy thought he did the dent.

This may sound horrible but I'm going to use the guy's insurance to pay for the damage, even though he didn't cause most of it. I think I deserve it after my incident with a hit and run driver causing me hundreds of dollars worth of repairs.

Anyway, David got the driver's details and was spelling out his name to me over the phone:

"H for homework, A for accounting, M for money, I for investor, S for savings and H for... had enough."

Poor guy obviously has been a little overworked and overstudied.

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