Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Amelia called yesterday. I haven't spoken to her since New Year's because she's been so busy working almost every day. She told me that she has most of the days off this week. We were supposed to go watch "The Spanish Apartment" today but it's not showing anymore. Well, in cinemas that are within 1 hour radius. That's a bit annoying because I wanted to see the movie for weeks now. She said she wouldn't mind seeing "Love Actually" with me but I don't really feel like watching it that much anyway.

I'm being lazy 'cause I don't feel like going anywhere, unlike yesterday when I just wanted to get out of the house. In some ways, I'm actually starting to miss uni. Not the constant assignments but the idea that today anything can happen and I might meet someone interesting. Although I won't be meeting anyone interesting this year because I already know all the people that will be doing my subjects.

Can't get used to the idea that I'll probably (if my enrolement is fixed) finish uni this year. That's kinda scary. I'll have to find a proper job and no more almost 4 months holidays. I honestly don't know how I'll be able to live without that. I don't know how I managed high school with only 5 weeks.

I think the holidays are numbing my brain cells. For the life of me, I can't write anything remotely interesting in here.

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