Friday, March 05, 2004

The Answer; Thoughtful Friends; And The Beauty Pageant

Went out yesterday to celebrate Christine's birthday. I was glad that she picked a place close to where I (and she) live, rather than somewhere in the City as usual.

While we were walking to the actual place, April and I had an interesting conversation.

April: The answer to your question is one.
me (innocently, although I realised what she meant): What question? I didn't ask anything.
April: You know exactly what question. You were thinking it.
me: I swear I wasn't thinking it [honestly]! How can you assume that's what I was thinking?
April: Because that's all you've been thinking about lately!
me: Well, I wasn't thinking it just then although I'm thinking about it now.
April: Well, it's one. I asked.
me: I didn't expect any and even if there were, I wasn't expecting any good ones, judging from last year. And anyway, if you assumed that's what I was thinking, that means you were thinking about it too! And you say you don't care anymore!
April: And I don't. I thought you would want to know.
me (seeing the guy): Is that him?
April: It has to be.
me: Well, my expectations were correct.

Georgia came too. I can't believe she tried to talk to me. If she thinks it's that easy to pretend what she did never happened, she's very wrong. I wasn't rude to her or anything because I'm above that. But I'm not going to be nice to her either. If she apologises, I will think about being nice to her but I know that's never going to happen.

Amelia and Claudia found a bookstore that was looking for casuals. They talked to the manager to see how nice she was and approved. That was so very sweet of them! Unfortunately it's not very easy for me to get there so I won't be applying.

Amelia also had some interesting news - she was asked to enter a beauty pageant! If I suggested to April for Amelia's character in our TV show to enter a Beauty Pageant, April would've said that was too cliche. Life can't get more cliche then. I can't wait to see her doing the whole thing. She was practising vacant stares all night. Except instead of blank stares, she was giving looks evil enough to give children nightmares. But it was hilarious. I hope she wins. And I reckon she's got a pretty good chance.

Yesterday, I had my longest conversation with Evan (Christine's boyfriend) ever. I think it was actually my first proper conversation with him. And she's been going out with him for four years! He's not as bad as we always thought he was. I think that if he wasn't 8 years older than Christine when they started going out (she was 16), I wouldn't have a problem with him. Or even if they started going out when they were both adults, the age difference wouldn't be so bad. I think they'll get married because it's very obvious that they really care about each other. You should've heard about how much trouble he went to get what she wanted for her birthday!

Anyway, it was a pretty good night which took my mind off my horrible uni timetable which I might tell you about later.

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