Monday, March 01, 2004

Fear Ruining My Life

You know what I always wanted to do? I always wanted to try acting. So why haven't I? I never had enough confidence. There were so many times when an ad for extras catched my eye and every time, I was too scared to apply. My lack of confidence drives me crazy.

I would love to be an actor if millions people didn't watch me. I like acting different characters but I hate people (that don't know me) watch me do it.

Another thing (that's more attainable) is to take dancing classes. The only good ones that I know of are the ones that are too far to get to every week. So I'm waiting for some at uni. Even though I really don't want to go by myself, I'll have to get over it. I can't depend on people to do everything with me all the time.

I watched "Strictly Dancing" on TV last week and it reminded how much I want to take dancing classes. So, this year I will be more independent and do things that I want to do even though none of my friends will come with me.

It's easy to write that but hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.

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