Wednesday, March 17, 2004

New Challenge

I got another tutoring job last week. When I got to the boy's house, I had a strong urge to never come back again.

It was something like you might see on Current Affairs - rundown, barely any light coming from windows that I couldn't even see, numerous kids of different nationalities, different pets running around, dirt everywhere (I couldn't even lean on the table because of hair and fresh stains). It was filthy.

The actual student, I'm sure, was on drugs. His eyes wouldn't focus and he kept slurring and had involuntary movements. Amazingly though he was quite bright and did some questions extremely quickly.

After I finished, the mother (who was wearing sunglasses when it was dark inside anyway) told me that she was so happy that I could come because I was their 6th tutor. Some decided they couldn't make it at the last minute, and others had other excuses. So, basically, I'm going back there next week. What can I say, I need the money and something in me wants to help the boy become something more than the road he is headed towards.

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