Wednesday, March 31, 2004


On Monday, I missed my usual train and ran into Amy (from school). She seemed excited to see me. I pretended to be excited to see her. She said that she hasn't seen me in a year and a half. Didn't seem that long to me.

She works and studies full time now so she's very busy. She also told me that a girl who was the first to get married from my year is now pregnant and another already has a kid (and is married too). I can't believe that there are already 2 girls who are married (the second one is the quietest girl and she ALREADY has a kid)!

It's wierd.

She also told me that she doesn't keep in touch with anyone from school except one girl who is doing the same course as her. That made me feel really sorry for her. I can't imagine what my life would be like without my high school friends, especially April and Amelia and Claudia. They are my biggest support network. Just thinking about not talking to them makes me really sad.

I sort of see her differently now. Before I just didn't want anything to do with her 'cause to me she was just someone who always put me in a bad mood to make herself feel better but now I see her as a real person who needs close friends just like I do and everyone else.

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