Sunday, March 21, 2004

Turning Twenty

I'm getting really depressed about turning 20 next week. It's not that I think it's old, it's... well, I do think it's old. Not old for someone else but old for me. I don't feel 20. I haven't done all the things I want to do before I turn 20. Well, actually it's one thing and if you've read my blog before you'd know exactly what that one thing is.

For those who haven't, it's having a relationship. I never thought I would turn 20 and never have a boyfriend. How could I not be depressed?

April turned 20 today. I called her to wish her a happy birthday but it wasn't very happy for her. She was sick all day and had to go to the doctor. That girl gets sick too often and always at the worst times. It's as if turning 20 is not depressing enough as it is.

I feel like I'm missing out on the best years of my life. I think I will probably be grumpy till my birthday and after that I will probably be even worse.

My life is over.

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