Sunday, March 07, 2004


Is it possible to be suffering withdrawal symptoms from something I haven't really done much?

Because I feel like it's happening to me about dancing. All I want to do is go to some dancing lessons. I'm going to call about some I found in the local paper tomorrow morning. The ad said that it's for adults. I just hope that it's for beginners and not professionals.

Seriously, my mind is only filled with dancing. But I guess it's a nice change from only having my non-existent boyfriend on my mind.

I also saw an ad for extras. I checked out their website and it said that if they take you, you have to pay $190 for a photo that they can show to potential clients. I'm not paying that much money if I don't have a guarantee that I'll get work. And another thing I don't really like is how they show your details on the web (all your measurements, your photo, your name and your age. I don't particularly want to have that information publicised about me on the net. I thought those type of agencies only let potential clients see that kind of stuff, not the the whole public.

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