Friday, June 27, 2003

More Max

Ok, I've just travelled in a time machine back to when I was 16. Except I'm not 16, I'm 19 in the same circumstances that I was in 3 years ago.

Yes, that's right, I'm getting another crush on Max. Except since I don't have much else to do with my time, I don't care that I have a crush on him. I actually quite like it. How can I tell that I have a crush on him?

1. Well, I started listening to all the songs that we both like. I like them too but I haven't listened to them for a while.
2. Every time I check my email, I hope I get an email from him.
3. Every time I get an SMS, I hope it's from him.

Yes, I know it's very pathetic and really sad. But I honestly just don't care.

I'm so glad I called him. It dropped some of the mystery surrounding the whole thing. He's a real person now. And a really nice and cute one too.

How much easier things would be if we met in real life, which would actually not be too impossible. He lives 20 minutes away from me and we used to catch the same train before we even knew each other. I walked past the place where he used to work and there could be every chance that I could've seen him. There were also times when we were in the same place without knowing (i.e. shopping centre).

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