Monday, June 16, 2003

My Big Break

Right after I finished tutoring my student today, she asks me, "Have you been in Girlfriend? [Australian teenage girls magazine]" I was like, "What?! No! Why?" She said that there is someone in it who looks exactly like me and has the same name (which is not very common). All I said was, "That's strange".

Then while I was driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's extremely unlikely for someone to have the same name as me and look like me as well! I started to come up with weird theories like someone put a picture of me with some horrible story like "I Live With Anorexia" or "I Kissed A Girl" or "I Have Five Boyfriends And They Don't Know About Each Other" or "I Was Pregnant At 14" or "How To Dump That Loser" or "My Boyfriend Is In Jail" or "My Sister Stole My Boyfriend" or "Achieving Your Dream: Starting Your Jewelerry Business". Ok, I'm getting carried away here but can you sense my worries?!

I will take a deep breath and imagine that the girl who looked like me was a beautiful model, wearing stylish clothes...

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