Sunday, February 15, 2004


Had a good night yesterday. Went clubbing with Elaine, Amelia and Alan (Elaine's older brother). Unfortunately we couldn't get into any club because Alan was wearing shorts and sneakers. (He's 29 and hasn't been clubbing for a while and he only went to clubs in POB and there apparently you can wear whatever you want). So due to his lack of proper clothing, we went to some pub/bar that had live music and a dance floor. That was fun until it got so packed that we couldn't even move. After that we just walked around the city for a while.

Next week, Alan will dress properly so we'll be able to get into clubs. And Jeanne (Alan's wife) should come too. It'll be the last Saturday before Elaine will be going back to POB so it's her last chance to see Australian clubs.

Maybe April, Claudia and Christine will come too. Christine actually called me yesterday but I didn't realise until an hour later when I checked my phone since I didn't hear it at the time she called. Oh well.

If April will have another excuse for not going, it's her loss. I could go dancing every weekend (and so can Amelia, I think). The major problem is usually finding a way to get back which is eliminated when Alan comes since he lives five minutes away and can drive me home. But he's only going now because of Elaine so when she leaves, my lifts will be gone too. Another way is for April to stay over so then we could catch the train together but since she never wants to go, that doesn't work. So I'm taking advantage of it while I can.

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