Friday, February 13, 2004

My Common Sense Tragedy

I think I forgot to mention that my common sense has committed suicide. It was a big tragedy and it will be deeply missed.

It always guided me in all my decisions and never left my side (like lots of other people's common senses do). It was a true and loyal friend.

However, lately, it had started having bouts of depression due to me ignoring it. It told me numerous times to leave the Max thing alone. It told me to take advantage of all the opportunities that made it so easy for me to let go of him. But I never listened and started to avoid my common sense all together.

It started feeling frustrated and alone. I didn't care even one bit and instead of paying more attention to it, I put all my energy into coming up with ways of convincing Max to meet me without him knowing it and making him think that it was him who changed his own mind.

The more progress I was making, the worse my common sense got. In its last few days, it didn't even speak to me. Today, it reached its final moment when it killed itself with my email to Max.

It will be fondly remembered.

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