Sunday, August 15, 2004

Baby Love

Baby Love

Today Olivia came over with Allie (my one year old cousin). I, of course, had to look after her while Olivia talked with my Mum.

As all my relatives know, I’m the unofficial family baby-sitter. My brother used to help out before he had to study. (He's really great with kids.) I don’t mind though, I love playing with her. She’s very calm, unlike my other cousin (Jenna).

It was amazing how much throwing a pillow accompanied by a gurgly noise made her laugh. I love seeing babies laugh, it’s the most adorable thing. And after I told her not to throw toys at people because it hurt, she would take a toy, pretend to throw it at herself and shake her head, saying “No”. It was sooo cute.

Oh, and I also taught her the colours white, red and blue. I thought she was a bit too young for that since she can’t even talk but she actually learnt the difference. She was also trying to say stuff but it was all a mass of gibberish but it was cute watching her try to tell me some story.

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