Friday, December 31, 2004

The Last Rant of 2004

Well, looks like I'm going to the city with Amelia and Kim (a girl from school that Amelia still hangs out with). I guess three is better than two. I'm really looking forward to being squashed by a lot of tall people, having to avoid beer bottles (and drunk people) on the ground and not being able to get home because of the crowds all stampeding to the same train station. It's going to be great!

The last time I went to the city for New Year's Eve was 2 years ago with 'the group' from school. I've decided to call the other people I used to hang out with at school 'The Group' because that's what we basically were. The Group included Kelly, Amy, Allison, Jacqui, Shannon, Kate (at one point) and Silvia (also at one point) and some others who I've never mentioned in the blog and don't plan to. I remember it was fun but it put me off going to the city on New Year's Eve until now.

It's not so much that I want to go to the city as much as I don't want to stay at someone's house and be bored together. (Not that being bored together is bad but for once I'd like not to do that on New Year's Eve.)

I saw Garden State with Amelia yesterday and that was great. I loved Zach Braff's character (minus the voluntary drug taking). I think I liked him 'cause he liked Sam (Natalie Portman) who I could really relate to (minus her beauty). Although, I'm over my compulsive lying habit. Well, not really.

I was reading the message boards for the movie on IMDB and as usual there's a bunch of people who criticised it because it doesn't have some world-changing message. Why can't people just enjoy a movie without anaylsing it to death?

I loved the line "When I'm with you I feel safe... like I'm home". I have a strong urge to edit it to make it "With you, I'm home" because I would love for a guy to feel that way about me and for me to find a guy to feel the same way about. Sigh.

Well, Happy New Year!

"May the best of your past be the worst of your future!"

Thursday, December 30, 2004


I saw Sophia and Lilly yesterday. We saw "The Incredibles". I absolutely loved the Edna character. She was worth the price of the ticket. Hilarious. It was like a gay man stuck in an old woman's body. It makes me smile just remembering her lines.

Seeing my uni friends was pretty good too. It would've been nice to do something with them tomorrow night but they're even worse than my school friends in the 'going out' department.

I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it again. I need more friends who like to go out. I loved how on my trip, there was always Tim to do stuff with. So when Lauren (who's not a fan of doing anything after dinner, other than going to see bands) didn't want to go out, I knew I could count on Tim to come.

I need someone who would always come with me anywhere. I need a boyfriend.

I'm really looking forward to finding a full-time job now because that means I would meet new people and I really need that now.

Maybe if Claudia was here, she would come with me and Amelia tomorrow. There's still hope that Christine and Evan would come but I doubt it. They like to do couply things on days like tomorrow.

April Ruins New Year's Eve Plans

I’m SO annoyed with April. I’m sick of her getting sick every time we plan on doing something fun. She’s sick ALL the time. And she’ll make a big deal even if it’s just a little cold.

Earlier this week, she invited Amelia and me to her place tomorrow night (New Year’s Eve) but when Amelia and I met up today, we decided that we both wanted to go out, rather than stay in, like the last few years and asked if April wanted to come. Of course she didn’t, which was expected. When does she ever like to go out? So Amelia and I decided to go to her house first (because it would be mean to cancel on her) and then go to the city afterwards. So no one gets left out. Everyone’s happy.

Then April has to go and ruin everything. Personally, I think she’s upset at us for wanting to go out because she probably didn’t realise that we were going to go to her house first anyway. Or she’s just being her lazy self and ‘doesn’t feel’ like doing anything. That’s the trait in April that I hate the most.

I know I’m being bitchy but I need an outlet for how annoyed I feel right now. And anyone who’s read my blog for a while, should know that this is not the first time April cancels on something I looked forward to.

It’s times like these I want to tell her that no wonder nothing exciting happens in her life. She doesn’t do anything or go anywhere that would let her experience something different. And this coming from the person who’s not the most ‘going out’ type in the world. Why is it that most people I make friends with prefer to stay home all the time?

I wish Tim was here ‘cause he would go anywhere with me. Thank God, for Amelia. She can work all day and still want to go out at night.

I thought that this New Year’s Eve, I would actually have a nice fun plan which does not involve staying at someone’s house and doing nothing but now, I don’t even know if I’ll end up home alone.

Day 8

Day 8: Eternal Beauty, Friendly American and Being Healthy

The alarm rang at 6:30am but I ignored it. Got up at 7 (20 minutes before sunrise). By the time we got ready, the sun has risen so we went to find an overlook site for the Grand Canyon.

When we got out of our hotel, everything was in crispy white snow. And very freezing.

As soon as I got a glimpse of the canyon, I was in awe. No photo can describe it because its main magnificence is in it humongous size. It really is breath-taking how huge it is (even if I knew that from pictures). Its first layer of stones was there over a billion years ago.

Its natural beauty really makes you reflect how short our lives are. It's overwhelming. I think it's very close to the feeling the guy from "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" got when he was put in a room that showed how insignificantly small he was to the entire universe. The Grand Canyon manages to show you how eternal and almost immortal nature is.


After our numerous walks (or more like bus rides) along the Grand Canyon rim, I decided to burn some of my digital photos onto a CD.

I found one of those do-it-yourself machines in some store. When I finished selecting all the photos I wanted to burn and got to the final step, it told me that I could only pay with a credit card (something that I don't have). I asked the man who worked there if it was possible to pay in cash. He said no but offered to let me use his credit card!

He said he wasn't supposed to do that but he would this time because he knew how expensive memory cards were and he had to make sure his manager wasn't watching.

I thought that was quite nice of him. I wondered if I had to tip him so I rounded up my amount (in cash) but he gave me back my change.

I thanked him a few times (because if I couldn't burn the photos, I wouldn't be able to take more photos). He wished me a great day.

I wondered what made him let me use his credit card... Boredom at work? Hating his job/manager and wanting to rebel? Nah, must've been my girlish charm.

After dinner, used expensive internet to check email and write an email telling my Mum to call me (since I couldn't call her). I had 10 minutes to do all this but it felt like 2. Didn't have any time to read most of my emails or write something to my friends, especially April. Or my brother.

At exactly 9pm, Mum called. I was so happy to talk to her! Even though I'm having a great time, I miss talking to people who I talk with daily.

Lauren has been great at substituting all my favourite people. Although, her eating and hygienic habits are quite worrying. No wonder she gets tired all the time. And I'm not the fittest person. Maybe it's my urticaria that's making me notice how nutritiously people eat. For example, she hasn't eaten any protein or fibre at all! Or any vitamins. I sound like such a health freak when I complain how there's only junk food available. And I suppose I have become a bit of a health nut. But urticaria forced me. If I don't have enough good stuff inside me, I get itchy and red. Not a good feeling. I, now, associate all unhealthy stuff with being sick, no matter how tasty the food is, and I get put off it. Although I still love chocolate.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Marrying Mark

I forgot to mention that April and I watched I Heart Huckabees and Mark Wahlberg is so sexy. I don't know what it is about him because he's not typically cute. He has a very ordinary face but he has something special...

Mark (puts his big hands on my shoulders, urgently): Sky, I can't stop thinking about you!
me (look up to his relatively cute eyes): You know, there are other things to life than thinking about how in love you're with me.
Mark: But Sky! Life is meaningless without you in it.
me: Yeah... I see what you mean...
Mark: I can't spend another moment of my life without having my arms around you.
me: well, if you must...
Mark (takes my hands): will you marry me?
me: I guess I could...
Mark (jumps up and down with excitement): So that's a yes?!
me: on one condition
Mark: anything!
me: you will not be as corny as you are in my distorted imagination.

Reflecting on 2004

I saw the following questionnaire at a few blogs so I decided to do it too.

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Gone on a date and visited America.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't make any and I won't be making any for next year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My Aunt

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank God.

5. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?

6. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The date I left for America.

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Organising my trip to America.

8. What was your biggest failure?
Getting a boyfriend.

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?

10. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My Dad - he was super cool this year.

11. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Andy's, when he had his grumpy period because it was so unlike him.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Trip to America.

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Other than my trip to America, I was VERY excited about what the date could've lead to.

14. What song will always remind you of 2004?
"This Love" by Maroon 5

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier and sadder
b) thinner or fatter? about the same
c) richer or poorer? Even though I had more money last year, I didn't actually spend it because I was saving it so it's like I didn't actually have it.

16.What do you wish you'd done more of?
Go out (especially dancing).

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Obsess less over finding a boyfriend.

18. How will you be spending Christmas?
I've spent it with Nadine.

19. Did you fall in love in 2004?
I wish.

20. What was your favorite TV program?
Gilmore Girls

21. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

22. What was the best book you read?
I've had a few (how could I not):
- The Earth, My Butt and other Big Round Things (Carolyn Mackler)
- Standing in the Rainbow (Fannie Flagg)
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (Mark Haddon)

23. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Kara's Flowers

24. What did you want and get?
I wanted to pass all my subjects so I could graduate and I have.

25. What did you want and not get?
A boyfriend.

26. What was your favourite film of this year?
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

27. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 20 and for the life of me I cannot remember what I did. I might've been at uni on that day but I don't even know that for sure.

28. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
A boyfriend.

29. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
Funky but elegant. (Always wanted to use adjectives like that to describe fashion styles.)

30. What kept you sane?
Any sanity that I still have left is because of April - without talking to her, I would've gone insane with my anxiety about not having a boyfriend.

31. What political issue stirred you the most?
Gay marriage and abortion.

32. Who did you miss?
Andy when he was in his grumpy period.

33. Who was the best new person you met?

34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
When something seems totally impossible, it can surprise you. And then disappoint anyway. (Re: Andrew and bus guy and Tim incidents)

Also, friends with whom you can laugh about things that sadden and worry you, are friends you should cherish.

35. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"That's Not Enough" by Maroon 5 is the only one I can think of at the moment.

That's not enough.
I want more.
I want it all.
I want to bang on your front door.
Turn off the lights
And shut out the world.
Cause at the end of the day
Aren't we all just boys and girls?

If I had to sum up my year I would say it went like this:

My life is over.
[Meet guy] Maybe not!
[Never see guy again.] My life is over.
[Go on date] My life is finally changing!
[Date never calls] My life is over.
While my life is over, I go to America to distract myself from my life's end.
[Meet guy] Yay! A guy likes me!
[No future with guy] What was the point? My life is over.

I think we can deduct from that - my year was a rollercoaster with always ending on the bottom but I had some fun along the way.

By the way, I realised that since I'm not a uni student anymore, I should change my blog's tagline.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day

I spent most of today with April. I missed her so much! My throat got sore after telling her all my stories. It was great to be able to share all the little things (that other people are not interested) in with her. I was just so happy to talk with her after a month of not being able to tell her anything properly.

After all my stories, she told me how she and Christine and Claudia were talking about taking a trip to Europe together and how she thought we'd all kill each other if we did that. I know for sure that I would never be able to live with Christine. She's too difficult. Claudia would be ok and it'd be fun to travel with April. But it's all just talk with them.

I was pretty lucky to find Lauren to travel with 'cause she's so easy-going and would do everything I wanted. I wonder if she'd want to go to Europe with me. Maybe I annoyed her in ways I don't even realise. I know, I'd love to travel with her again.

After I got home today, my relatives came over. Allie seems to be growing up so fast. She's adorably cute and sweet. Jenna is growing up too. It makes me feel so old to have all these new kids in my family. Especially now that there's a new addition - Jenna's baby brother.

But it was cool to see everyone again.

Christmas Time

Happy Boxing Day! Christmas always goes by so fast!

My Christmas started out pretty quiet. My parents, my grandma and brother went to a BBQ with my relatives (the usual bunch). I didn't go 'cause it would've been boring and I see these people all the time anyway. My Dad had to be dragged to it by my Mum 'cause he didn't want to go either but he's obligated to go. Andy went 'cause he didn't want to stay home. I would've went if my cousins were there but they're in POB. Even though I haven't seen them for AGES, yesterday (and ever since my grandma came over and started telling us funny stories of our childhood), I've realised how much I missed them.

Everyone got back at around three because we were supposed to go to Nadine's house. But since my parents got invited to Talia's parents' house, they dropped me (and grandma) at Nadine's house.

I had a great time telling her all my stories from my trip, without the details because those are reserved for April (who I'm seeing today). I don't think I've ever spent Christmas with her so it was really nice. And since my grandma was there (because she knows her Mum - they're about the same age), it felt just like it was when we were kids. Especially when Nadine's Mum was asking us to try some disgusting looking thing that she made and even though I cut a small piece, one bite was more than enough. Nadine swallowed her tiny bit so I asked her if she wanted to finish mine and she agreed.

But rather than taking it from my plate when her Mum went into the kitchen to get something, she took a tissue (in front of her Dad who was talking to my grandma) and while he was deep in conversation (even though my grandma was looking at us), she took my piece with the tissue and went to throw it out the window. My grandma had her eyes wide open as she was watching our 'discreet' procedure and I had to control my giggles. Her Dad didn't even notice.

Later my grandma said that she wished we didn't leave after we finished eating because she couldn't hide her piece that she couldn't eat and she couldn't copy Nadine's smooth method of disposal.

Even though Nadine and I are adults now, we felt like such kids with the 'real' grown-ups there. She got a call from one of her friends (who she used to complain about in high school) who's getting married now! It's so weird to have people we grew up with getting married! I've never actually met the bride but I've heard so much about her from Nadine that I feel like I know her.

In the morning when everyone went to the BBQ, I opened an envelope which had the predictions that I wrote before I started uni to be opened when I finish my degree (which by the way I have with all right marks). It was so depressing to read because I was so horribly wrong.

When I was 17 and just finished high school, I predicted that by the time I finish uni, I would be in a serious relationship or would've had one. And lots of other completely inaccurate things. The only things that came true was the I would never get drunk, do drugs or smoke. I can always count on that! I wrote new predictions to be read when I'm 25. I made them pretty bad so if my life sucks then, at least I would be correct.

Anyway, I better go and get ready to go and meet April. Can't wait to talk to her! (I'm sure she'll laugh at my inaccuracies of trying to predict my future.)

Friday, December 24, 2004

Strong Words

One thing that really gets to me is when people say that they don't 'hate' anyone because 'hate' is such a strong word but yet they put the word 'f***' into every second sentence. How is that word any less stronger than the first one?

(Don't forget you can always say 'despise' because that is definitely stronger than 'hate'.) And people say 'I love chocolate' but that doesn't mean that they love it in the same way that they love someone dear to them (like their family). So the same goes for 'hate' - it depends on the context in which you say it.

Day 5 - Day 7

Day 5: Other Travellers

Stood in line for the continental breakfast behind Rob who was hung-over. Got pancakes, toast, apple and cranberry juice. Rob sat next to us so we talked a bit. I asked where he got the jam for the toast. Then some girl put her plate down opposite Rob and he suggested for me to take her jam (when she went to get something). I said, "You like taking other people's food, dont you" and he said, "Yeah, I have a thing for stealing others' food".

While we were waiting to get on the bus, some guy came to talk to us. I was happy to hear that he wasn't into drinking. But he swore a lot.

We had an excursion of the harbour. Can't say I really liked it. The scenery was nothing special but I took lots of photos anyway.

At dinner, Lauren and I had to sit with James and Megan (the young couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other) so all through dinner Lauren and I had to watch them cuddle, kiss and tease each other. It was revolting. Why can't people in love realise that other people don't want to see them show-off their happiness.

Day 6: Yay! Creep Gives Me His Phone Number

Today was spent mostly on the bus. We drove out of San Diego and through south-west country which was exactly how I expected it to be - long-winding highway through the sandy landscape of the desert with tall and thick cacti that you see in Western films.

We had to introduce ourselves. I hated doing it 'cause it reminded me of school/uni and I was worried about public speaking (especially about myself) but surprisingly I sounded all right. I can't believe we had to say our social status. I was so embarrassed to admit that I was single that I was contemplating on saying that I had a boyfriend. But then I thought that I'd just be shooting myself in the foot and none of the single guys would talk to me. I tried to remember what all the guys said but I forgot some of them anyway.

During our first rest stop, Ian (the guy who came up to talk to us earlier) came up again. He asked what the name of the town was. He then went on saying how he doesn't like roller-coasters but he promised his friend he would go because he didn't want to seem like a wimp. (He's 24, by the way.) And now he's thinking of telling the friend he can't go anymore. I told him that's not fair to the other guy. If he didn't want to go, he should've told him straight up and not cancel at the last minute (because I hate when people do that) and he said I'm right and he won't cancel 'cause that would be mean. (He used different words though which I don't really want to write.) He wasn't single.

Back on the bus, we were encouraged to swap seats and meet people we haven't talked with before. During this, I met Keith, a 30-something from New Orleans (who told everyone in his introduction that he was caught by police having sex with 2 women in some New Orleans park).

When I mentioned that we were going to New Orleans, he gave me some suggestions where I should go. When we moved seats again and he sat behind me, he passed me a piece of paper. On it was his number. He said I should call him when in New Orleans. All I could think was that a guy gave me his number! Who cares how old he was or that he's a sleazy creep!

On our second rest stop, saw Ian walk past and he smiled unlike other people (i.e. Rob) who walked by without a glance.

Arrived in Arizona to a much better hotel room that actually has a fridge and a microwave.

Have to wake up early tomorrow to go on a hot air balloon ride so have to go for now.

Oh! I saw 7th Heaven wedding and felt like crying. Lucy was getting married before finishing college and was getting worried about getting married young and her older brother, Matt, said how lucky she was to find someone she loves and who loves her back and it was ok that she didn't reach all her goals yet because she could always reach them in the future. The only difference is that she'll have someone's hand to hold while she goes after what she wants. I wanted to throw things at the TV.

Day 7: A New Experience

Woke up bright and early today for the hot air balloon excursion. Had a yummy toasted raisin bagel for breakfast and took some other food with me.

The hot air balloon ride was an experience like no other. Being squashed in a little basket with 12 other people (all with cameras in hand ready to snap away) while being blown under a large colourful balloon over the morning mist of the Sonoran desert is going to be added to another life experience that will always be remembered and will hopefully make me a better rounded person. If only it would get me RG. Oops, sorry, I'm still trying to break my habit of comparing all great experiences to how great it would be to have RG, but nothing ever matches up which diminishes the value of those wonderful experiences.

There were lots of spaced out shrubs below me with a few large cacti thrown in. We were told that a cactus only grows another arm after 75 years which made some cacti (according to my calculations) almost a 1000 years old!

There were also wild cows wandering slowly through the desert in small groups. Also saw a couple of hares running along the coppery cold paths.

The sun was peaking from behind the mountains, making shadows of everything across the ground.

The scenery was not the only thing that made the experience. The sounds created another dimension. The soft swooshing of the wind, the regular pumping of gas into the balloons - all created the originality of the experience.

After the ride, we got back on the bus to find our usual seats taken by other people. I walked along the bus, looking for two empty seats for Lauren and me but I realised there were only single empty seats. I saw one next to Ian and was happy to sit next to him for a few hours but another girl was standing next to the seat so I moved on to another one. I saw an empty one next to an occupant who was with the others outside. I hoped that person was someone nice.

I was happy to find it was taken by Tim (the guy I noticed the first day of the tour). We had a pretty interesting conversation about his future medical career (he told me, more than I wanted to know, horror stories from his work experience at a hospital), about his sister (who turned out to be the girl who I thought was his girlfriend) and some other stuff. He turned out to be a few months younger than me. (I asked using my sneaky ways.)

Had a rest stop in a beautiful area. There were too many angles from which I could've made hundreds of gorgeous photos but I tried to restrain myself. I had to accept that photos can't capture the hundreds of images that surround you from every direction to create that beautiful piece of the world.

When we got back on the bus, Ian was sitting in front of me. He's such an energy ball. I found it entertaining just to watch him talk. He's always so into what he's talking. (He does some job that I don't think requires a tertiary education but I can't remember what it is. Something electrical I think.)

I was quite pleased to be talking with two guys for the trip.

At the next stop, I was looking through some souvenir shop when Keith came up to me and said how beautiful some pots were and that he hadn't seen them anywhere else. I said I saw them in the previous town (even though I don't think I have) and moved further from him. Felt like telling him, "Don't try and talk to me. I still won't sleep with you in a park when I'm in New Orleans". Don't really want anything to do with a 30-something year old who slept with two women at once in a public place. It's too sleazy.

Since we were getting so close to the Grand Canyon, the temperature has dropped dramatically.

When Lauren and I were crossing the road, I could hear whistling in my ears. My face started tingling. Once we were on the bus, I wished I could cuddle up to a sweet and warm guy. Tim would've been fine since he's so much bigger than me and I feel tiny next to him. If my boyfriend was a big (and I don't necessarily mean fat) guy (just broad and tall), I would never worry about my weight.

When we got to the hotel, I wanted to call my Mum but the phone wouldn't work and it was too cold and dark to find another one. Had a bit of a pang of home-sickness or more like "I miss my Mummy" syndrome.

Day 2 - Day 4

Day 2: Disneyland

Lauren is watching cable but there's nothing great on. We had pizza for dinner. I gave up trying to find something nutritious.

For our free continental breakfast, we had pastries, muffins, bread and jam. I ate all of it just to have enough energy till lunch. I regret not taking some back with me for lunch because we couldn't find anything healthy and affordable in the park. Ended up buying fried chicken pieces with chips.

Thank God, I still have an apple from yesterday.

Disneyland really is a 'happy place'. I felt like I was in a Disney land. Wait a second, I was. The rides were not physically exciting but the sets and props were so imaginative, stunning and creative that it really did take you to the world that's in a child's mind.

I went crazy with my camera again. We went on almost all the rides that we wanted to.

Today, I noticed a lot of absolutely gorgeous kids and absolutely overweight adults. I also saw some stereotypical Californian girls - blonde, tanned and beautiful. I'm still getting used to everyone having an American accent.

I feel like I flew forward in time. The TV shows are ahead and so are the trends.

Day 3: Magic

We saw Disneyland fireworks last night. I was mesmorised. The bursts of bright colours above the castle (which changed from shades of deep green all the way to rich reds) looked like a magical garden in the sky.

The background music (coming from the speakers) was suitable enough to evoke emotions of love which stirred me in the wrong way. Having RG next to me was the only thing missing to make the moment perfect. Seeing lots of young couples in love didn't make it easier. Told myself to stop ruining the moment with my habitual thoughts but didn't work.

Day 4: Start of the Tour

We missed the tour pre-departure meeting yesterday. This area has the illogical system of having house numbers increase both ways. We ended up walking 30 minutes the wrong way and 30 minutes back. Then another 40 minutes in the right direction. Lauren was barely walking and my feet were getting sore too. After we walked across a highway with no crossing, we decided to just catch a taxi the next day (i.e. today) which was exactly what we did. We decided to get up extra early but slept through the alarm. We were woken up 15 minutes before the taxi was supposed to arrive by the receptionist calling to tell us our taxi was already here. I only had enough time to get dressed and stuff my suitcase. We got there 40 minutes early (as planned because there was no way we were going to miss the tour). I stupidly tipped the driver extra.

We met up with our tour but it seemed that people have already met at yesterday's meeting so I felt a bit left out. Some guy who kept looking in our direction didn't seem to know the others either but then some girl came up to him and they seemed to know each other. Probably his girlfriend.

As we were driving, the landscape was beautiful - large green hills framing highways. There was a group of joggers running though a distinct downhill valley. Wish I had my camera to capture it.

Our driver was flirting with other drivers which was funny.

When we got to San Diego, I was struck by the water that looked like blue satin. There was the city skyline at the horizon that looked like it was behind a white screen (possibly because of light fog).

Once we passed the bay with countless white boats, we drove into the city streets which weren't anything special. There was a lot of construction going on.

We stopped at some park that had white Spanish architecture. Bought some tasty and nutritious cookie.

After that, we visited the zoo. I saw giant pandas. Apparently they have similar lifestyles to koalas - eat (bamboos) and sleep. They wake up when they're hungry and they go to sleep after eating. They were gorgeous.

I also loved the white polar bear. It was so entertaining to watch it try to scratch itself. Its dirty white fur kept swishing as it rolled and twisted on the ground, its paws in the air.

Also saw some animals that I didn't know existed. Lauren didn't seem to be interested at all and seemed to only be focusing on walking. She said her feet and legs were in pain so we had to take a break every few moments.

Really wanted to get some sort of souvenir (preferably with a panda) but I just couldn't spend money on useless things.

After we checked into our hotel, we went to Walgreens and it took forever to choose the healthiest options. I bought turkey slices but when I got back to the hotel, I realised that we didn't have a fridge to put it in.

During dinner, I sat next to some graduate student/bartender and his 6 friends. They started talking to us. If only they were my type (i.e. didn't stub cigarettes into the grass, did not wear condoms on their heads, did not get drunk and did not swear constantly).

When there was a mix-up with food, Rob (the guy next to me) took food from my plate. Later he apologised, saying he thought the plate in front of me was for someone else. The only thing I had in common with him was that he was also health-conscious.

The guys had a long conversation about alcohol and Lauren and Rob talked about bands I've never heard of.

Back at the hotel, I had a nice hot shower after I figured out how to use the tap system. Then, we figured out how to use the alarm clock.

By the way, the toilets here are horrible. They are always filled with water almost to the top so all the 'stuff' floats in it until you're finished. It's so gross.

My Grandma Gets More Guys Than Me

My grandma got picked up by some guy yesterday. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. She went to the beach and some guy kept talking to her but since she can't understand English, she nodded, smiled and swam the other way but he kept coming up and talking to her.

"What does 'I love you' mean?" my grandma asked me.

"What?! Is that what the man said?"

"He came up to me and said 'I love you'."

"Maybe he said 'How are you'?"

"Oh yes! That's what he said!"

Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Start of the Story

Ok, I've decided to copy some of my notebook entries from the trip into here because I can't be bothered right now to do another blog just about the trip. (All of this will be written in smaller font.)

Day 1: Getting There

It still feels a bit unreal to be flying to USA. I've been waiting too long for this.

We should be in Auckland soon. I tried to sleep a bit but it's too hard because I can't lean my seat back. There's some little kid behind me but fortunately he stopped poking the back of my seat.

They served breakfast of corn and ham fritters that tasted better than expected, some fruit (melon and rockmelon) and a muffin (that was quite unhealthy but tasted good). I'm just hoping my urticaria won't get out of control.

At the airport, I already got carried away with my camera and took many unnecessary photos that I'm sure I'd have to delete when I run out of memory.

There are no 'potential guys' on the plane that I can see. There goes my dream of meeting a guy on a plane and having a great story to tell the grandkids.

There are some guys my age but there's no chance to get to know them. Not surprised.

8:20am (California time)

I just noticed that a woman across from me is reading "The Sex Lives of Cannibals" and she's not embarrassed about it (since it's openly, almost purposefully, lying on her fold-out table.

I still have a bit of a headache (probably caused by lack of sleep).


The plane smells of stinky people, some plane food and the stale cabin air.

Outside below me are beautiful fluffy clouds that look like soft marshmallows closer up (on take-off and dissesnt). I wish I could take a photo of them but no electronic equipment is allowed then.


I'm now at our hotel room, awake from my nap.

The first thing I noticed as our plane was descenting (other than the ball of excitement filling up inside me at rapid speeds) was how structured the layout of California was. It looked like someone measured the whole land with a ruler. Even the line between the sand of the beaches and the road running along them seemed to be too accurately parallel.

It took us forever to get our luggage once we got off the plane. It was a bit nerve-wrecking to see the bag carousel go round and round and my bag not in sight. I thought that I might not see my suitcase again. Fortunately I did. I might've smiled when I saw it. Felt a nice sense of relief.

We caught a shuttle bus to our hotel. That's when I had my first experience of not understanding the American accent. The bus driver asked, "Where to?" but all I could hear was, "One two?" After I made a few guesses as to what he meant ("There are two of us", "We have two suitcases", "We're going one-way"), I figured it out and told him the hotel name. He thought I couldn't speak English. (Isn't it weird that when people think you can't speak English they start using really bad grammar? Like the bus driver who after my wrong answers asked, "Live where?")

On our ride there, I'm quite positive the driver made more than one illegal manoeuvre and there really was no need for him to use the horn every five minutes.

After the driver got our bags and was waiting for a tip, since Lauren didn't give him one, I didn't either. The bus driver didn't take it too badly.

We got to the hotel at about 1pm (too early for check-in), put our bags in the storage and went to explore the area.

After buying our Disneyland tickets and a quick walk through Downtown Disney, we went back to the hotel to get our room.

We were given one in a little building, across from the main one, that only had stairs so we had to drag our luggage across them. Once in the room, I noticed that there was only one bed and a couch.

Although Lauren said that she didn't mind sleeping on the couch, I (not very happily) marched back to the reception desk and demanded (nicely) to be give the room we paid for (i.e. two beds) and for it to be in the main building (that had a lift).

Our newly allocated room looked exactly like from the brochure in which I found it. We also have a great view of Disneyland and the rest of Anaheim from our top floor. Lots of photos were taken to try and capture the beauty that we can see from our balcony (which also acts as the corridor to all the rooms). The architecture in this whole area feels like you're in a storybook. Each hotel's/shop's/restaurant's sign is worthy of a photo.

After we checked into our room, we went to buy some food. I found it impossible to find anything that was even relatively healthy so ended up buying the best of all the bad ones - microwavable spaghetti with meat balls and two apples (from New Zealand, of all places!)

Had fun saying we were from Australia to shop owners who asked. I'm trying to get an American accent for the duration of my trip but it hasn't been working yet.

We also got a phone card each from the little store next to us. Called my Mum and asked her to call me back from her phone card. Had a nice conversation.

Found out that internet is really expensive here so can't email my friends yet. Maybe I'll send postcards.

Really regretted not bringing my own utensils and had to borrow Lauren's plastic fork.

We were thinking of going out tonight but we're both too tired. Even after my nap, I feel a bit groggy.

We watched cable TV (which was great, for your information).

Really want to take a shower now but the bathroom doesn't look too hygienic. Maybe I'll give a try cleaning it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Where Am I?

Well, I'm back!

It feels so weird to be writing here after so long. Well, I guess a month isn't that long but it sure feels like it after all the adventures I've had!

The trip met all my expectations and a bit more! I think I can safely say that it was the most exciting month of my life. It was exactly what I needed.

Since I'm not planning to tell you everything in this entry because I did fill out about 200 pages of my notebook that I took with me but here's a very basic summary of the most memorable parts:

  • amusement parks
  • tour
  • met people
  • met someone
  • wedding
  • breath-taking scenery
  • perfect career
  • fun in the South
  • busy city life
More details later! Still not sure how I'm going to write about everything that happened. I was thinking of creating a separate journal of my trip but I don't know... Maybe I'll write separate adventures in here...

I still feel quite overwhelmed by everything.

When I got back, everything seemed different. My house seemed lighter and more spacious, people seemed to have grown. My grandma (from POB) is living with us now for a month. I'm trying to get back to everything but it's odd. You can tell that I've been travelling a lot lately because when I woke up, I couldn't remember where I was.

Even though I had such a wonderful time on my trip, it's nice to be home and most importantly see everyone again.