Friday, December 31, 2004

The Last Rant of 2004

Well, looks like I'm going to the city with Amelia and Kim (a girl from school that Amelia still hangs out with). I guess three is better than two. I'm really looking forward to being squashed by a lot of tall people, having to avoid beer bottles (and drunk people) on the ground and not being able to get home because of the crowds all stampeding to the same train station. It's going to be great!

The last time I went to the city for New Year's Eve was 2 years ago with 'the group' from school. I've decided to call the other people I used to hang out with at school 'The Group' because that's what we basically were. The Group included Kelly, Amy, Allison, Jacqui, Shannon, Kate (at one point) and Silvia (also at one point) and some others who I've never mentioned in the blog and don't plan to. I remember it was fun but it put me off going to the city on New Year's Eve until now.

It's not so much that I want to go to the city as much as I don't want to stay at someone's house and be bored together. (Not that being bored together is bad but for once I'd like not to do that on New Year's Eve.)

I saw Garden State with Amelia yesterday and that was great. I loved Zach Braff's character (minus the voluntary drug taking). I think I liked him 'cause he liked Sam (Natalie Portman) who I could really relate to (minus her beauty). Although, I'm over my compulsive lying habit. Well, not really.

I was reading the message boards for the movie on IMDB and as usual there's a bunch of people who criticised it because it doesn't have some world-changing message. Why can't people just enjoy a movie without anaylsing it to death?

I loved the line "When I'm with you I feel safe... like I'm home". I have a strong urge to edit it to make it "With you, I'm home" because I would love for a guy to feel that way about me and for me to find a guy to feel the same way about. Sigh.

Well, Happy New Year!

"May the best of your past be the worst of your future!"

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