Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas Time

Happy Boxing Day! Christmas always goes by so fast!

My Christmas started out pretty quiet. My parents, my grandma and brother went to a BBQ with my relatives (the usual bunch). I didn't go 'cause it would've been boring and I see these people all the time anyway. My Dad had to be dragged to it by my Mum 'cause he didn't want to go either but he's obligated to go. Andy went 'cause he didn't want to stay home. I would've went if my cousins were there but they're in POB. Even though I haven't seen them for AGES, yesterday (and ever since my grandma came over and started telling us funny stories of our childhood), I've realised how much I missed them.

Everyone got back at around three because we were supposed to go to Nadine's house. But since my parents got invited to Talia's parents' house, they dropped me (and grandma) at Nadine's house.

I had a great time telling her all my stories from my trip, without the details because those are reserved for April (who I'm seeing today). I don't think I've ever spent Christmas with her so it was really nice. And since my grandma was there (because she knows her Mum - they're about the same age), it felt just like it was when we were kids. Especially when Nadine's Mum was asking us to try some disgusting looking thing that she made and even though I cut a small piece, one bite was more than enough. Nadine swallowed her tiny bit so I asked her if she wanted to finish mine and she agreed.

But rather than taking it from my plate when her Mum went into the kitchen to get something, she took a tissue (in front of her Dad who was talking to my grandma) and while he was deep in conversation (even though my grandma was looking at us), she took my piece with the tissue and went to throw it out the window. My grandma had her eyes wide open as she was watching our 'discreet' procedure and I had to control my giggles. Her Dad didn't even notice.

Later my grandma said that she wished we didn't leave after we finished eating because she couldn't hide her piece that she couldn't eat and she couldn't copy Nadine's smooth method of disposal.

Even though Nadine and I are adults now, we felt like such kids with the 'real' grown-ups there. She got a call from one of her friends (who she used to complain about in high school) who's getting married now! It's so weird to have people we grew up with getting married! I've never actually met the bride but I've heard so much about her from Nadine that I feel like I know her.

In the morning when everyone went to the BBQ, I opened an envelope which had the predictions that I wrote before I started uni to be opened when I finish my degree (which by the way I have with all right marks). It was so depressing to read because I was so horribly wrong.

When I was 17 and just finished high school, I predicted that by the time I finish uni, I would be in a serious relationship or would've had one. And lots of other completely inaccurate things. The only things that came true was the I would never get drunk, do drugs or smoke. I can always count on that! I wrote new predictions to be read when I'm 25. I made them pretty bad so if my life sucks then, at least I would be correct.

Anyway, I better go and get ready to go and meet April. Can't wait to talk to her! (I'm sure she'll laugh at my inaccuracies of trying to predict my future.)

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