Monday, December 27, 2004

Marrying Mark

I forgot to mention that April and I watched I Heart Huckabees and Mark Wahlberg is so sexy. I don't know what it is about him because he's not typically cute. He has a very ordinary face but he has something special...

Mark (puts his big hands on my shoulders, urgently): Sky, I can't stop thinking about you!
me (look up to his relatively cute eyes): You know, there are other things to life than thinking about how in love you're with me.
Mark: But Sky! Life is meaningless without you in it.
me: Yeah... I see what you mean...
Mark: I can't spend another moment of my life without having my arms around you.
me: well, if you must...
Mark (takes my hands): will you marry me?
me: I guess I could...
Mark (jumps up and down with excitement): So that's a yes?!
me: on one condition
Mark: anything!
me: you will not be as corny as you are in my distorted imagination.

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