Sunday, November 12, 2006

Black and White

As people who read this would know, I'm in a multi-racial relationship. Even though that's technically the truth, I don't feel it all. Probably because when I think of 'multi-racial' relationships, I imagine a very dark African man and a fair blonde woman. Or a Caucasian guy and an Asian woman. Just two people who look very obviously different.

And although David and I are different, it's not that obvious. We could pass for two Europeans. What I mean is people wouldn't notice our difference in the streets.

A couple of days ago, David said to me, "I don't think our kids would look like me. They'll be white". I told him that wasn't necessarily true, they could get his genes. Then David said that they'd probably be white because half his genes are from his Dad who had brown hair, fair skin and green eyes.

I asked him if he cared and he said something I didn't expect. He said, "This may sound racist but I'd prefer if they were white, they'd have less problems if they go overseas".

He said that even in South America he experienced discrimination because of his skin colour. That shocked me because he's pretty fair for a Latin American guy. He explained that even in South America there's discrimination against dark coloured people since there are plenty of Caucasian looking people.

I remembered seeing on Oprah that even Africans prefer lighter shades of brown so maybe the South American thing is similar.

We are so lucky to live in Australia where most people couldn't care less what you look like or where you're from. David's Native Indian/Hispanic look is a big reason why I'm worried about taking him to POB where he would really stand out and may attract unwanted attention.

Whatever our kids look like, be it white, black or in the middle, I'm sure they will be gorgeous and most importantly I hope that they're healthy and happy.

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