Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Everything

I was driving to David's house last night and I felt just ecstatic. Just overwhelmed.

Got to his house and was just so happy. Talked with his Mum a lot. That was nice. I hope I always get along with her.

Then spent time with David. Did I say that he's the most wonderful perfect person, ever? I probably have but I can't say it enough.

I might've thought I was really unlucky before because I never had anyone but now I realise that I'm lucky after all. Very lucky.

Recently, we've been discussing housing and such. Things like where we want to live and how we can afford it. He realises now that we can't buy straight away, it's just not realistic but that doesn't mean that we can't get together. Fingers crossed that he gets the job that he applied for tomorrow. It would be such a great stepping stone for him and would allow him to contribute to our savings. I've been saving a lot but it's still not enough.

Anyway, I can't help but wonder when this whole 'thing' will become official. I'm predicting early next year. Might have to mention to him how long it takes to organise the 'ceremony'. Don't know why but I'm scared to use the official words. Even when we talk, we don't say, "When we get married" or "at the wedding". We say "When we get together" and "At you know" instead.

However, he did call me his family. (And his 'musa' and inspiration, but now I'm just showing off.)

It's strange but lately when someone (like from uni) tries to organise something, people always have excuses such as "I have an engagement party to go to" or "I have to go to a friend's wedding". I guess it's that time now. Instead of 18th and 21st birthday parties, people go to weddings and housewarmings.

Can't wait for my turn. Can't wait till David's with me all the time, not just on occasional evenings and weekends. And talking several times a day is getting a bit too much too.

Also it'd be nice that when we go places, we can come back together.

The only problem I can think of with moving out is that it'd be really weird to have a new home. I'm so used to where I live now that it would take some time to feel at home somewhere else. Hopefully David will make the transition easier. Home is where the heart is, right?

And also of course it'd be weird to do all the grown-up stuff like look after the household. Hopefully we can retain our childish qualities and not become a boring adult couple. David actually told me that I'm the only one he can be a kid with. That made me really happy 'cause I don't think I could be with someone who was serious all the time and didn't know how to be playful.

Last night David was my psychologist. I kept kept talking and talking about my first years in Australia at the snobby private school. I couldn't stop. It was like supressed memories flowing out. Afterwards, I just felt so good to have been able to share that with him. And he was so wonderful, he didn't get scared off, he actually said he liked listening to me! Seriously, could I have found a better partner? I doubt anyone more perfect exists.

He makes me feel really loved. The way he listens, what he says, how he knows the ways to make me laugh, the way he looks at me... What can I say, I'm in love.

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