Work Gossip
Who wants to hear about my work?
Well, I'll tell you anyway.
Yesterday I had to work from 6 to 9 with the 'husband' manager and his son, Peter. And no one else. Just the three of us. Can you feel my joy? Well what can I say except "Like father, like son" (only a bit better).
There wasn't much to do so I had to stay at the counter, pretending to be busy, while Peter was eating in the backroom. When he finished, I tried to avoid him by walking around the shop, pretending to be putting books on the shelves. Then Jack (the husband manager) ordered me to go to the front because Peter went to help Jack. You should've seen Peter's face. He was beaming. I felt like he was always laughing at me. And if you know me, I absolutely can't stand being bossed around, let alone being laughed at (for no good reason).
Later, at the counter when he was there, I did something that he couldn't. I couldn't enjoy that moment enough because he's always trying to show how good he is at everything. I think his face might've gone a little red (or that could've just been the heating which was making my face red too).
Anyway, after that Jack told me to take books from the very top shelves (which could only be reached from a ladder). When Peter heard Jack tell me to do this, he made some smartarse comment about me having to do this annoying job. He laughed too early because he ended up climbing the ladder several times because I couldn't reach most of the books. Also, instead of him only climbing once, I made him do it a number of times when it wasn't necessary. Ah, my skills of manipulation...
Then when I finished with that, he misused his power by making me do something that I didn't have to. I did what he said because I didn't want to argue with the manager's son but when he laughed, I realised he was just kidding. I was really mad at him. To make everything worse, I had a really bad headache (since I was at uni before and had a small gallstones attack). I was in a really pissed off mood already so he just made me fume with anger.
After that, we had to stand at the counter together. I decided to talk to him 'cause I was bored and I can't get in trouble for talking with the manager's son (unlike other employees). Turns out, he's not too bad to talk to. I asked too many questions (as usual) and have lots more. It was quite interesting to listen to him. I should've listened more and asked less.
Guess what he asked me? He asked me what year of high school I was in!!! You should've seen his face when I told him I was at uni (not to mention 2nd year)! That was funny! I'll take that as a compliment. After that he talked differently with me.
I wonder how old he is. I'm guessing 25 or 26, although he looks anywhere from 22 to 30.
He's one of those guys who I can't stand and like at the same time. It's terrible.
I don't think I'll be working with him for a while, which suits me fine.