Saturday, May 24, 2003

What Is Beauty?

I found a very interesting website about 'beauty', called Beautycheck. It's interesting to know if beauty is the same to everyone or if it's in th eye of the beholder. The only thing (that I can think of) that the web site could've researched a bit more is how beauty is perceived in different nationalities. For example, is there a reason why I don't find Asian guys attractive? And why do Spanish people generally look so beautiful?

I was actually thinking about beauty since people started saying that Joanne from "Big Brother 3" is using her "beautiful" looks to play the game. (Personally, I think that if she hadn't a nice presonality to match, she wouldn't be able to use her looks.)

Why is it that beautiful people get paid out so much? They had as much influence in being good looking as 'ugly' people had a say in their looks. What's the difference between the two? 'Ugly' people get sympathy from the public while 'beautiful' people get bitchiness. Although some people might say that beautiful people have it much easier in life, I would disagree. They get judged so much and so much attention (or I guess I should say pressure) is put upon them to be happy. Is it because people feel intimidated by beautiful people and they try to find something wrong with them? And besides, being good looking doesn't guarantee you happiness because as cliche as it sounds "beauty is only skin deep". Personality is what really matters. I'm sure if you're intelligent this is nothing new but I just felt like talking about it.

(In the last paragraph, I had to generalise to express my feeling on the issue so don't go thinking that I feel like that about every single person.)

What are your thoughts and/or experiences on this 'beauty' issue?

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