Friday, May 02, 2003

The Guy Next Door

I wrote the following yesterday but couldn't connect to the net so I'm posting it today.

I’ve never mentioned that I have a very cute neighbour because in the 6 years that I’ve lived at my house, I’ve only seen him a few times and we never talked. When I’ve just moved in, I was so excited that I lived (almost) next door to such a cute guy and I always fantasised about being really good friends with him and always hanging out together (like I did with my neighbour when I was nine). I even wrote a story about that. (If anyone wants to read it, let me know and I’ll send it to you.)

Unfortunately that never happened and after about a year I didn’t mind anymore because I found out that he’s not my type at all. (His mother used to catch the same train as me and my Mum in the morning so that was my source of information, if anyone was wondering.) I also lost interest in him after our first meeting when I was going out and saw him in front of his house. As I walked towards him, I sort of looked at him, thinking he was going to say hello to which I would return the greeting. I even remember telling myself to say hi first but I was young then and didn’t want to be the first one to say hi. I know that was stupid and immature. So I ended up walking past him, while almost staring at him, in silence. He didn’t say hi but just stared back.

So why am I mentioning him now, out of nowhere? Well, it’s not really out of nowhere because obviously something had to happen for me to bring it up. Today, when I was walking home, he drove up to his house, right when I was checking the mail. I turned around to see him. I thought he was going to ignore me, but when he looked at me, I sort of waved and as I was mumbling hi, he said, “Hi, how’re ya going?” and actually waited for me to reply. Of course I didn’t reply because I thought his “how’re ya going” was just a greeting, not a real question. He sort of just smiled and went into his house.

I know I’m making way too big a deal out of it but I can’t help it. Although I’m not that interested in him, for some reason, I really want him to like me. It’s stupid, I know.

Well, now that I’ve got that off my chest, I feel better.

For any Australian who watch(ed) “Big Brother 3”, did you notice that Dan was in “Supermodel”?

I was proud of the writers of “Felicity” because just as I was going to complain that there are too many perfect guys in the show, they went and made Noel more real. I don’t even know any good looking guys like in “Felicity” so to make them have great personalities as well was just too much.

Hang on! I do know a good looking guy like in “Felicity” – Nate!!! Don’t know about his personality though. Speaking of Nate, I think I’m going to reach almost the extremes of disappointment because they’ve got a new guy who is apparently going to replace Nate before I see him again!!! It’s times like these that I believe in cosmic forces and that they’re having fun playing a cruel joke with my life.

I was a bit disappointed with “Gilmore Girls” because their conversations are so unrealistic and all characters talk in the same way. That’s April’s and my big problem with our show but even our show is not as bad. Also, Lorelai’s character was VERY annoying and the actress that plays Rory is too skinny. I think she’s worse than Calista Flockhart.

Keri Russell (the actress that plays Felicity) is very pretty in a non traditional way (which is the best way to be pretty), I noticed. I always thought that it would be great to look like Katie Holmes but she’s too tall. I also thought it’d be great to look like Natalie Portman but her hair is too thin. But looking like Keri Russell would be perfect. I know I should be happy with the way I look but it’s nice to choose what you want to look like.

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