Friday, May 02, 2003

Surprise Encounter

Guess who I saw today!!! Mark!!!

I was having lunch with a few other people, waiting for Amelia when someone just sat down at out table. I looked up and to my utmost surprise saw Mark! Talk about things happening when you least expect them. I wasn't expecting that to happen at all! I seriously thought that I'd never see him again which was fine with me since I don't like him anyway.

I kept annoying myself by being really shy and saying really stupid things when he was there. Why the hell do I care what he thinks!!!

Amelia saw Fabian and agreed that she completely understands what I was talking about, in case you think I'm exaggerating his behaviour.

Amy (remember? the depressed girl) sent me and the others an e-mail about how she wants to catch up. As soon as I saw an email from her I became all anxious. I was so glad that I wasn't the only one that she sent the email to. I know I'm probably sounding mean but she makes me very anxious.

I just checked my mark for an assignment that I did the morning it was due and it's not too good. You're probably thinking that I got a bad mark because I've done it at the last minute but truthfully, even if I started earlier I still would've written the same thing because the whole subject is stupid and pointless and I don't get why I have to do it at all.

Anyway, I'm not in a very good mood now so I'll go.

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