Sunday, August 20, 2006

Eclectic Mix

Had such a great time today! April, Claudia, Amelia and I went to Yum Cha. We were laughing so hard, my stomach hurt. We got talking about the reunion and found out that some people in our grade are now married. I knew about several of these but one person really surprised me. I really didn't see her marrying young. Oh well.

April said to me, "You see getting married at our age as impressive but I just see it as strange". Amelia was like, "I still want to do so much stuff before I have to call someone 'dear' and ask them what they want. I want to travel and perve on Samoan guys." April replied, "I'm not ready for marriage yet" and Amelia said, "I'm ready for a sham marriage but that's it".

Later we somehow got talking about guys and Amelia said how she went to a friend's party and Claudia asked, "Was that when that guy was touching you?" and Amelia was like, "What the?! I was touching him! He had a tattoo on his back which he showed me". April and I were like, "Okaaaaaaaay..." and out of nowhere Claudia takes out her phone and says, "I got a photo". She showed us some guy stretching out his arm to Amelia who was looking really blank. Who would've thought, Claudia the paparazzi.

Later, April and I were discussing what sort of guy Amelia would go out with. A nerdy computer nerd, a tattooed guy on a motorbike or a really down-to-earth one to balance her wildness and melodrama.

Got a message from April at almost midnight yesterday that the Blog Guy asked her out (as friends probably but still).

When I saw her, she told me of the conversation they had online yesterday and he told her she was pretty and asked for her number. I was like, "This guy definitely likes you," and she said, "Unless he's the type of person who calls his friends 'pretty'".

Why the hell would a guy call you pretty if he wasn't interested in being more than friends? Wouldn't he be worried for the girl to get the wrong idea then? To me, that was proof that he was attracted to her and things were definitely progressing. April thinks I'm more excited about this than her (and let me tell you she's going crazy over this because it never happened before).

I guess I'm just excited that finally she's going to have what she always wanted and she'll be completely happy. And we can gossip about relationships.

Can't wait to meet him. We fantasised how all our boyfriends would be together. We'd have her genius intellectual one feeling superior which would clash with Evan who also thinks he's above everything. Then there'd be Mike giggling quietly and being the sensitive girly guy that he is while David would be trying to act really manly and cool. And if Amelia gets one, she'd be drinking with him and not paying attention to anyone else. Can't wait. Really hope that if April starts going out with Blog Guy, Amelia can find someone so we'd have a perfect 10 in our group with no one feeling like the odd one out. Although it doesn't seem like Amelia is too interested in a relationship.

All I can say that this time next year, things will be very different.

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