Friday, September 08, 2006

The Fridays of Our Lives

When you are a baby, Friday night is the same as every other night.

When you are a kid, it's a day you can stay up later than usual because there's no school the next day.

When you are a teenager, it's a day of stress to have 'something to do' or 'somewhere to go out' so you don't seem like a loser.

When you are April, today is the day you go for dinner with Blog Guy.

When you are my brother, today is a day you go out dancing with his girl friend.

When you are me or David, today is the day we laze around, doing absolutely nothing.

Gosh, I feel like David and I are such a retired couple, sitting home on a Friday night, watching TV and drinking tea, maybe going for a walk. Not that I'm complaining.

Very excited for April though! It's almost like watching your younger sister go on a first date. She finally showed initiative with the Blog Guy and it paid off! When I spoke to her last night, she seemed really surprised that her plan to get him to ask her out actually worked so easily. Will be anxiously waiting for the news tomorrow.

Meanwhile, better go and make my room look a little bit more presentable.

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