Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Public Phone Conversation

I think giving David my work phone number was not such a good idea.

Every time he calls, he intentionally tries to make me laugh as much as possible. Do you know how hard it is to stop yourself from laughing? Obviously it's a problem when about 10 other people can hear your every word.

And he loves it! I think he's entertained by my predicament. He also tries to make me say embarrassing things. So I end up just saying "Yep" as professionally as possible over and over again while trying not to giggle.

I'm sure my work colleagues all know that I'm having a personal conversation but that's not really the problem as they speak with their families and friends all the time too. It's the nature of my conversation with David that I don't want other people to know.

I don't want people to know of our flirty/teasing/silly/childish/ridiculous chats. I think they might never treat me as a serious adult if they knew.

I'll give you some examples just so you can understand how immature we can both be:

  • Today when I picked up the phone, I heard some hold music. I didn't realise immediately that it was David singing.
  • Another time, when I picked up the phone and said my usual 'Promotions Department' bit, he said, "I want to promote a cup of coffee". I replied, "We don't do that. " Then he exclaimed in a typical spoilt 5 year old fashion, "I WANT to promote a cup of COFFEE!!" I stayed silent (as I usually do when I can't think of anything appropriate to say). Then he said, "This is very bad customer service. I want to speak to your manager". And this went on for about 7 minutes.
  • His favourite thing is at the end of the conversation to say, "Give me a kiss". I'd say, "Yep" and he'd say, "Come on! I'm waiting." I'd stay silent, trying not to giggle like a school girl. And he'd just keep persisting, knowing very well that I'm not about to kiss him over the phone with 10 other people around me. After he has enough, he stops.

These are just some of the stuff I have to put up with at work.

And the worst is that after I hang up, I can't remove the stupid smile off my face. I just try to hide behind the partitions.

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