Monday, September 04, 2006

Lives of the Famous

I was never one to be obsessed with celebrities but lately I find myself more and more interested in their lives.

When I found out that Britney Spears had a blog, I was as excited as getting ready to a read a good book. Unfortunately I was disappointed as Britney doesn't write too often.

Watching Newlyweds was also very addictive and now I can't help but be interested in what's going on in Jessica and Nick's lives. Today Jessica and John Mayer made the news. Why is people falling in love such a newsworthy event if they are famous? (I'll be interested to see where that goes though.)

When Lindsay Lohan is mentioned, even though I know it's probably something to do with her partying ways again, I can't not read it.

A morning radio show did a segment on celebrities and one host asked the other if he would leave his partner if his favourite celebrity asked him out. I couldn't believe he couldn't answer straight away! He had to think about it! How can you even know you'd like the celebrity if you don't personally know him/her?

Apparently that's how Madonna and Guy Ritchie got together. Guy had a girlfriend at the time and when Madonna showed interest, he told his girlfriend "I love you but it's Madonna!" I was thinking, "SO WHAT?!" (especially Madonna - ew, but that's my irrelevant personal opinion).

I may be interested in celebrities' personal lives but I couldn't care less about meeting them. Although going over to Britney's or Katie's house to hang out could be interesting...

I never understood people's fascination with the lives of the famous, and I still don't. Why do I care so much what happens to them? Is it because they are beautiful? Glamourous? Exciting?

I honestly don't know. All I know is that I will be checking Jessica Simpson's blog next.

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