Sunday, September 10, 2006

Belly Churning

Went to the dance workshop with Amelia yesterday and was on such a high. The dance instructor was great and I felt like I learnt as much in those two hours as in the last two months of the dance course. At one point the instructor made an analogy to doing something at the gym but then stopped herself and said, "Wait, no one here likes the gym, that's why you do dancing". Seriously hit it right on the spot.

I think I'm really getting into belly dancing. One things I like about it is that even though lots of moves are very hard to do straight away because they require you to use the muscles you've never used before, with practice they look great!

I really feel like I'm improving.

I'm really happy I used to do piano when was little because it taught me that to do anything well, you need patience and lots of practice.

Also had a nice conversation with Amelia. She was saying how she was annoyed that our friends were acting middle aged and didn't want to go out and do fun stuff. I guess she was referring to April and Claudia, and even Christine to an extent. It's true that April and Claudia said they were over the whole clubbing scene. Amelia said, "How can you be over it at 22 when you haven't even really done it much?"

I agreed with her. I understand that clubbing isn't for everyone but it also frustrates me that my closest friends don't feel like going out and having fun (other than movies or dinner). Not that I really worry about it so much now that I have David for it. He said as soon as he finishes his exams, we are going out - anywhere I wanted. I told him I wanted to go dancing and he said he'd love to.

Amelia wants to travel in the summer or next year and I would've loved to come but I don't want to leave David for too long. And anyway, Amelia wants to go and have 'single girl' fun which I can't really do. This would've been good two years ago.

What would be great is taking David along or going with the other couples.

Speaking of couples, April and Blog Guy will never go out. Not exactly sure what happened but April was very upset and didn't want to go too much into it. She said she's going to tell me when she calms down. I'm very disappointed. It's not fair that she's always so unlucky in love. I really feel for her and wish there was something I could do.

I wish I could take her out somewhere where she can have fun but she's the type that's not interested in going anywhere. Maybe I should just take her to the movies or watch DVDs with her.

Now I don't even know if I should call her because maybe she doesn't feel like talking.

I'm trying to remember what I was like when I got rejected but I can't. I'm the type of person who likes friends to distract me but not everyone's like me.

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