Monday, May 17, 2004

Eurovision – A Family Affair

Eurovision brings people together. Well, it brings my family closer. Watching Eurovision is a whole family event at my house. It’s the only time when every single family member is enjoying the same TV show at the same time. Yesterday was no exception.

We all had the same favourite and they won which made us all very happy. They (Ukraine) had all the elements that made a winning entry – good song, good singer, good performance and originality. I was almost jumping out of my seat when it looked like Serbia and Montenegro or Greece were going to win. Serbia and Montenegro weren’t bad but I didn’t really like them. And Greece weren’t that good. I think the guy’s cropped top should’ve disqualified him immediately (although Eurovision wouldn’t have been the same without bad costumes to laugh at). I was a bit disappointed about Cyprus. I thought the 16 year old was great. And Turkey would've had a stronger chance of winning if they had a better singer.

Eurovision is also a great way to learn European politics. It was quite amusing to predict correctly who each country will be voting for. My family all cracked up laughing when Russia was awarded 12 points by Belarus when the girl that sang was absolutely awful. Same goes for the guy from Bosnia and Herzegovina. If his dancers weren’t fired, I don’t know how Albania’s could be when his dancers were of the standard you’d see in a strip club (not that I’ve been to one but I can imagine).

Overall, it was still a very enjoyable event. Much better than last year’s.

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