Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Fear Of Public Speaking Evaporated

I think my new diet (yes, my old one had to be changed since it didn’t work) is changing my chemical composition (if that’s possible). Since I can’t have wheat or dairy now, I’ve been eating buckwheat pancakes (which are disgusting). It’s amazing what I will eat when I’m hungry.

Anyway, I think all this buckwheat is making me really calm. Like, take today for example. I had to make a presentation and I didn’t experience even a tiny bit of anxiety like I usually do. I was standing there thinking, “30 people are staring me, why do I not care? Why isn’t my face going red? Why aren’t my palms sweaty? Why is my breathing normal? …Why am I trying to make myself nervous? Haha, it’s not working”. It was such a new feeling. And a very nice one too. I hope it stays.

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