Saturday, May 29, 2004


It's weird how some people have the ability to make you feel really comfortable to be around them and others just make you want to go as far as possible from them.

I'm becoming a bit anti-social in one of my classes that has most of the people that I've had classes with from first year. I just have no desire to be friends with most of them. Which is strange for me 'cause I don't think you can ever have enough good friends to have around you.

The guys, especially, act like such idiots and cross any line of social interaction. Fabian, for example, tried to kiss one of the girls while her boyfriend was there. Her boyfriend didn't even turn around. The girl was shrieking and Fabian was just enjoying himself. I don't know why but I got really mad at the boyfriend. How could he just sit there and do nothing? I didn't find it as funny as the other guys did.

Jack sat near me and kept saying 'fuck' over and over again really loudly. It got so annoying I just wanted to punch him so hard that he'd really have some reason to keep saying that.

Fabian hasn't been bothering me too much lately which I'm really happy about. He was actually quite polite (in his own way). But him being polite isn't the best thing 'cause that's how he gets your attention so he can start annoying you. I just avoid him as much as I can now. And that seems to work the best.

The only interaction I had with him this year was him asking about what I've been up to and if I work now and where. It was so polite and normal and nice that if it was any other guy I'd be happy that he was interested. But since it was Fabian, I just got suspicious. Last week, he just came up behind me and pushed my chair while I was on it while saying something about what I was doing. It's those little things that have the potential to get out of hand.

Sometimes, I can't wait till uni finishes just so I wouldn't have to be around people like that. Although I'm pretty sure there are more like that in other places.

It's really hard not to meet people like that anywhere.

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