Thursday, June 10, 2004

Lazy Day

Decided to skip uni today. It was only 2 hours of POBian. It would've taken me longer to get there and back.

Read Harry Potter. It had a bit of a slow start but it's gaining its pace.

I'm also in the process of doing a guide to my blog that has descriptions of all the people (so I won't have to describe them every time I mention them for new visitors). And it has what all abbreviations stand for and a bit of history. Should be useful. I'll link to it as soon as I finish it.

I think I might finally go to dancing lessons this weekend. Completely by myself. I'm tired of forcing people to go with me and then finding time so it's convenient for them, just 'cause I'm too scared to go alone. No more! I'm an adult and I can go wherever and do what I want without anyone else.

(This is a bit of pep talk for myself.)

Anyway, I'll probably meet more people if I go on my own. And that's always a good motivator. And also the fact that I need some exercise.

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