Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Another Big Move

Almost forgot to mention, I talked to Nadine on Monday (which would be the first in many months). I casually asked her if she was moving out, as a way to move on from our small-talk and she said yes!

I had the weirdest feeling when she told me, like some warm current ran through me. Nadine was about to start independent adult life too. I wonder who'll be next.

She said she was thinking about it since February and definitely decided in April.

She'll be living with her boyfriend. I asked if she was planning on marrying him in the future and she said she didn't know. I think when April asked Christine the same question, Christine said she will when she's older. I wonder if Nadine really doesn't know if she wants to be with him or if she just said that.

Wow, Nadine (just writing her name brings up so many childhood memories) is moving out. When I think about it, all my teenage years with her flicker in a second. It's like I'm flying through time back to the old never-ending days when all we did was dream about the future and in a millisecond I'm transported back into this future - the present. Feels a bit surreal. But then it always does with Nadine.

There's some weird connection between us that will never go away, even if we don't see each other for years. As soon as we talk, the same old warm feeling is brought back. Don't know what it is about her that triggers this. If I analyse it hard enough, I'll probably come up with the reason that we've had an emotional intimacy that you have with your partner.

I told David the news and he was like, "What's the big deal, it's not like they're getting married. She's old enough". It's weird for me to think of her as a 24 year old woman. I always see her as a teenage girl. Don't think that will ever change.

Anyway, I'm over the initial shock/surprise/whatever you want to call it. Life is moving and now is the time when people my age are going through big changes. I'm just happy I'm not far behind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just stumbled upon and couldnt help reading, liked the way u write.