Thursday, October 26, 2006

No News is Good News

Yesterday afternoon, David called my house.

me: hello?
D: Sky! Are you all right?!
me: fine...
D: what happened?!
me: what do you mean?
D: I couldn't reach you for 2 hours!
me: oh, oops! My phone was on silent and I forgot to put it back on
D: I called your house!
me: I went to visit my grandparents after work


me: are you ok?
D: I was really worried. It's not like you.
me: I'm sorry!
D: hm.
me: are you still upset?
D: I was watching the news 'cause I was worried you were in a car accident after your car problems lately
me: are you serious?! You are watching the news to see if there was a car accident?!!
D: yeah...
me: did you really think I was...
D: no... but I was worried. I didn't know what to think. I called your mobile, you didn't pick up. I called your house. You're always home at this time. I was going past your work at 4pm. I was hoping we'd meet up... But I couldn't reach you... I got your voice mail. You usually call back...
me: oh my gosh, I didn't mean to make you so worried!
D: yeah, well
me: I'm really sorry! What can I do to make it up to you?
D: uhm... a piece of cheesecake.

Damn. I could've seen him last night...

I checked my mobile. 10 missed calls!!! All from him. Scary.

Went to bed at 9pm 'cause for some reason I was really tired. Once in bed, I felt restless. Couldn't fall asleep without hearing his voice. So I called him to say good night. He thanked me for calling in his cuddly teddy bear voice and said the three magic words that always bring peace and calm to my head and heart. Fell asleep in minutes.

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