Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cocoa Life

POBian chocolate is the absolute best!!!!

A bite of heaven. A... can't think of any other metaphors.

My Mum's friend came back from POB for a little while and my grandma gave her SO much chocolate for us! I opened the fridge and a whole shelf was filled with plastic bags of different chocolates.

I don't know what it is about it but after you taste it, Australian/American chocolate doesn't taste very chocolatey. Maybe the POBian one has less milk and more cocoa. I don't know. I don't care. It's just the best taste ever.

My Dad who's also a chocaholic said to me that he was actually a little over chocolate. I couldn't believe it. I guess it takes 47 years to be over it. I have a while to go.

My brother completely doesn't care for it. Wish I was like that. It's definitely not good for me. Although it sure is wonderful for my mood. Maybe they put some drugs in it...

Ok, enough about chocolate. Talking about it won't make you understand just great it is.

Actually I miss a lot of POBian food. Especially the sweet stuff. When I go back, I'm only going to eat stuff I can't have here. Black caviar...mmm. I also miss different varieties of berries. Since I'll be there in summer, there should be plenty of them. And even though I'm not a big fan of mushrooms, they have this one sort there that I love.

You know, I'm so very excited about my trip next year. I even don't mind going with my Mum (instead of David) because we can go to the theatre and shopping.

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