Friday, September 12, 2003



After watching my tape of yesterday's episode of "Felicity", it got me interested in Wicca. If you read my blog, you'd know that I'm not a fan of religion but this one sounds interesting. Of course, they say that it's not like magic that you see on TV, unfortunately, but it's still interesting to pretend that magic spells work. I can only believe in something if I've experienced it. And sometimes, even I have experienced something, I still don't believe in it.

Take for example, astral projection (out of body experience). After I read a book about it, I thought I'd try it just for fun because according to the information about it, all I had to do was when I was dreaming and was conscious of that (which I used to be all the time), I could make my 'soul' come out of my body and do whatever I wanted without my physical body.

So one time when in the dream, I realised I was dreaming, I had the weirdest experience that, although was probably just a dream, freaked me out so much that I'm too scared to try it again. Basically, somehow I got out of my body and felt fully conscious of this and I saw myself sleeping. I got scared that if I left or moved, I wouldn't be able to get back into my body so in matter of seconds, I woke up. I haven't had a dream in which I was conscious of it since then.

Although it would be great if that was real astral projection, my skeptic mind tells me that it was just a really weird dream. I just can't get out of my head how conscious I felt when I was looking at myself sleeping. I've had dreams where I felt extremely conscious and could logically think in them but never like that one.