Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Social Circles

On Monday when April caught my train (completely unplanned) and she asked me if I've met any SCGs on Saturday, I got really paranoid that someone on that crowded train reads my blog and would recognise me just from that. So I think I'll stop decoding April and my abbreviations. Although I'll get paranoid anyway because it's not often that you hear people on trains speaking in code.

I finally told Andrew about Saturday and all he said was that it just goes to show that if I want to meet new people, I should stop hanging out with my quiet friends and hang out with people like Nadine. He thinks that the whole reason why I don't have a boyfriend is because my friends are not very outgoing and don't have close friends outside our group which makes it impossible to meet new people. Well, except for Christine whose uni girl friends are pretty cool. Her guy friends are too weird for my liking.

Anyway, I think I need new friends. Not to replace old ones, of course, but to expand my social circle. And they have to be not like the usual people that I hang out with. Even at uni, I'm already clinging to people like my high school friends. It's like a habit.

I saw Lara on Monday. She's nothing like my usual friends but we still always find stuff to talk about. I need more friends like that.

I think the fact that I went to an all girls high school has had a strong influence on my social skills. I can always make friends with girls but find it hard to have guy friends. I never thought that going to a girls school would cause so many problems. Because if you think about it, most people make close friends in high school so how am I supposed to have guy friends if there weren't any guys at my school? I know it doesn't stop some people but I'm not like those people.

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