Monday, September 01, 2003

Australian Idol - Close To Home

Yesterday, Christine asked us, "Would you be embarrassed if I entered Austrlian Idol?". I couldn't help myself and cracked up laughing. Then I pulled myself together and asked her if she was serious. She was. Poor poor disillusioned Christine.

She can carry a tune but her voice is nothing special. Of course, I didn't say that. I told her that if she does go, then could she please get some singing lessons beforehand or enter a smaller competition to see what it's like. She said that she might get singing lessons.

She also said that she's pretty confident that she might get through. I asked her if she'd be upset if she didn't and she said that depends on whether whoever was chosen was better than her. (So if he/she's better, she wouldn't get upset.) I said that if they chose someone worse, there'd be no point in getting upset because the competition wouldn't be fair.

I think she has seriously thought about it because she was saying how females usually vote for guys and guys don't really vote. She asked if we would vote for her. April said only if she liked how Christine performed. Claudia said that she would. Then Christine said, "Well, at least I have one loyal friend." But then Claudia said in her small innocent voice, "I'll SMS though ICQ cos it's free".

I think we shattered Christine's dreams and any evidence of loyalty that she thought she had.

I told her that I'd watch her, if she got on TV.

I think the reason "Australian Idol" got so many people auditioning was because some of those hopefuls never got told that they are not really that good at singing.